Parameter Value
Library_File_Name Serie90_AC500_V10.lib
Firmware V2.0
Type Type_Function_Block_History
Group -

The ramp function generator is used for the rampshaped adaption of the current actual value at the output to a specified set point.

The value at the HLG output is adapted linearly from the current actual value to the specified set point with the slope y’.

In doing so, the value at the output precisely runs through the amount of the set point during the time TH or TR. If the value at the HLG output has reached the set point, it no longer changes unless a new set point is specified.

The inputs and the output can neither be duplicated nor negated/inverted.

The slope y’ of the ramp results from the specified time TH (start up time) or TR (return time) and the amount of the set point:

Slope y’ = Set point amount
TH or TR

The slope is

  • positive, if set point > actual value
  • negative, if set point < actual value
  • 0, if set point = 0

Therefore, the specified set point has two functions

  • its amount defines the slope of the ramp in conjunction with the specified time TH or TR;
  • it represents the value to which the current actual value must be adapted in a ramp shape.

The user can specify the start up time TH and the return time TR separately. The direction of the slope is defined on the basis of the set point. The direction of the slope then defines whether or not the running time TH or TR is used.

Slope y’ positive → TH, i.e. the ramp runs upwards.

Slope y’ negative → TR, i.e. the ramp runs downwards.

The start up time TH and the return time TR must be scaled to the program cycle time TZ, i.e. the following must be specified at the corresponding Function Block inputs:

  • Start up time: TH/TZ
  • Return time: TR/TZ

The times are specified in milliseconds. The following applies to the time constants TH or TR:

0 ≤ TH ≤ 32767

0 ≤ TR ≤ 32767

Two set points can be planned (S0 and S1), whereby one of these set points is selected by the binary input E01 (set point selection).

The set points can assume the following values:

-32767 ≤ set point ≤ +32767

At any time, the output of the ramp function generator can be

  • stopped at the current value
  • set to an initial value
  • reset (output = 0)

The STOP input has the highest priority and the R input has the lowest.

The values at the HLG inputs can be changed at any time in the user program. In this way, any (non-linear) adaption to the set point can be realized on the basis of the linear adaption of the actual value.


Set point = 0 means that the slope of the ramp is also 0, i. e. the current actual value does not change. If it is intended to switch from an actual value unequal to 0 to an actual value of 0, a set point unequal to 0 must be specified and the output of the ramp function generator must be limited to 0 by a subsequent limiter. (On interpolation, the rounding transitions are based on calculation of integral numbers only).