HA_CS31_CTD - HA Down Counter


Function block HA_CS31_CTD

General Information
Available as of PLC runtime system V1.3 and above
Included in library HA_CS31_AC500_V13.lib (V1.3) and above
Type Function Block with historical values.

This function block is a standard down counter with automatic data synchronization in a high availability application.


Only internal variables and outputs are synchronized. Input variables and parameters are not synchronized. If needed, use HA_CS31_DATA_SYNC to achieve the same.

If parameter LOAD=TRUE, parameter CV (Counter Variable) will be initialized with the upper limit of PV (Preset Value). If parameter CD (Count Down) has a rising edge from FALSE to TRUE, CV will be lowered by 1, provided that CV > 0 (i.e., it does not cause the value to fall below 0).