Error Messages of the CI506-PNIO CANOPEN MasterΒΆ
The following table defines error messages of the CI506-PNIO CANOPEN Master. They will be set as last error code if communication to a CANOPEN slave fails. The Function Block CI506_CANOM_NODE_DIAG provides this as last error code. This last error is also displayed in the Control Builder Plus online diagnosis.
Hexadecimal Value | Definition | Description |
0x00000000 | TLR_S_OK | Status ok. |
0xC0000001 | TLR_E_FAIL | Common error, detailed error information optionally present in the data area of packet. |
0xC0420003 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_DATA_COUNT | Invalid data count. |
0xC0420004 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_DATA_OFFSET | Invalid data offset. |
0xC0420005 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_DATA_COUNT_WITH_OFFSET | Invalid data count in combination with offset. |
0xC0420006 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_MODE | Invalid mode in command. |
0xC0420007 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_STATE | Command is not allowed in current state. |
0xC0420008 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_NO_VALID_BUS_PARAM | No valid bus configuration parameterized. |
0xC042000A | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_BUS_RUNNING | Command is not allowed because CANOPEN is running. |
0xC042000B | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_BUS_PARAM_ALREADY_SET | Bus parameters are already configured. |
0xC042000C | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_LOCAL_NODE_ID | Invalid Node ID for CANOPEN Master |
xC042000D | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_BAUDRATE | Invalid Baud rate. |
0xC042000B | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_BUS_PARAM_ALREADY_SET | Bus parameters are already configured. |
0xC042000C | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_LOCAL_NODE_ID | Invalid Node ID for CANOPEN Master. |
xC042000D | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_BAUDRATE | Invalid Baud rate. |
0xC042000E | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_29BIT_SELECTOR | Invalid parameter for 29 bit selector. |
0xC042000F | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_SYNC_TIMER_VALUE | Invalid parameter for SYNC timer |
0xC0420010L | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_COB_ID_SYNC | Invalid parameter for COB-ID SYNC. |
0xC0420011 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_PROD_HEARTBEAT_TIME | Invalid parameter for Producer Heartbeat time. |
0xC0420013 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_PARAM_SET_SIZE | Invalid size of Node parameter set. |
0xC0420014 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_PARAM_HEADER_SIZE | Invalid size of Node parameter header. |
0xC0420015 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_ALREADY_CONFIGURED | Node is already configured. |
0xC0420016 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_SLAVE_NODE_ID | Invalid Node ID for Slave. |
0xC0420017 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_ID_EQUAL | Node ID of Slave is equal to Master Node ID. |
0xC0420018 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_PARAMETER_SET_LENGTH | Length of parameter set is different from length in parameter header. |
0xC0420019 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_SDO_PARAMETER_SET_LENGTH | Invalid size of SDO parameter set: |
0xC042001A | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_PDO_PARAMETER_SET_LENGTH | Invalid size of PDO parameter set: |
0xC042001B | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_ADDR_TABLE_SET_LENGTH | Invalid size of address table |
0xC042001C | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_ADDR_TABLE_LENGTH_INCONSISTENT | Address table size is inconsistent. |
0xC042001E | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_TPDO_CNT | Invalid number of transmitted PDOs. |
0xC042001F | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_RPDO_CNT | Invalid number of received PDOs. |
0xC0420020 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_COB_ID_EMCY | Invalid value for COB-ID Emergency. |
0xC0420021 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_COB_ID_GUARD | Invalid value for COB-ID Guard. |
0xC0420022 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MEMORY_ALLOCATION | No memory for parameter set. |
0xC0420023 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_SDO_DATA_CNT | Invalid value for SDO data count. |
0xC0420024 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_PDO_DATA_CNT | Invalid value for PDO data count. |
0xC0420025 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_ADDR_TAB_DATA_CNT | Invalid value for address table data count. |
0xC0420026 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_ADDR_TAB_PDO_CNT | Invalid value for address table PDO count. |
0xC0420027 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_SDO_TIMEOUT | Timeout during SDO transfer. |
0xC0420028 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_SDO_ERROR | Error during SDO transfer. |
0xC0420029 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_NO_PDO_AVAILABLE | No further PDO available. |
0xC042002A | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_AUTO_CLEAR_ACTIVE | Master is in auto clear state. |
0xC042002B | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_WATCHDOG_FAIL | Watchdog failure detected. |
0xC042002C | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_INVALID_INDEX | Invalid index for request. |
0xC042002D | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_STATE | Request not possible in current Node state. |
0xC042002F | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_SDO_REQUEST_FAILED | SDO request failed. |
0x40420030 | TLR_I_CANOPEN_MASTER_ALREADY_IN_STATE | Master is already in requested state. |
0xC0420031 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_COB_ID_PDO | Invalid value for PDO COB-ID. |
0xC0420032 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_SEND_EMCY | Send emergency-telegram failed. |
0xC0420033 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_INIT_SDO_REQUEST | Failed to initialize SDO request. |
0xC0420034 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_SET_NMT_STATE | Set NMT state failed. |
0xC0420035 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_ERROR_PASSIVE | CANOPEN is in error-passive state. |
0xC0420036 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_BUS_OFF | CANOPEN is in bus-off state. |
0x40420037 | TLR_I_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_DEACTIVATED | Node is deactivated in configuration. |
0xC0420038 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_DL_REQ_FAILED | CAN-DL request failed. |
0xC0420039 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_PUT_OBJECT_DATA | Failed to write object data. |
0xC042003A | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_SET_OBJECT_DATA_VALID | Failed to set object data valid. |
0xC042003B | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_INIT_lib | Failed to initialize CANOPEN library. |
0xC042003C | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_SET_COB_ID_FAILED | COB-ID could not be set. |
0xC042003D | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_ADD_REMOTE_NODE_REQUEST | Failed to add remote Node. |
0xC042003E | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_SET_HEARTBEAT_TIME | Heartbeat time could not be set. |
0xC042003F | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_DD_GUARDING_SLAVE | Node could not be added to Node guarding list. |
0xC0420040 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_SET_GUARDING_TIME | Node guard time could not be set. |
0xC0420041 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_START_NODE_GUARD | Node guarding could not be started. |
0xC0420042 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_RESET_NODE | Reset Node failed. |
0xC0420043 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_RESET_COMMUNICATION | Failed to reset communication of Node. |
0xC0420044 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_SET_NODE_PREOPERATIONAL | Failed to set Node to preoperational state. |
0xC0420045 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_STOP_NODE | Failed to set Node to stop state. |
0xC0420046 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_START_NODE | Failed to set Node to operational state. |
0xC0420047 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_SET_EMCY_COB_ID | Failed to set Emergency COB-ID. |
0xC0420048 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_START_SYNC | Failed to start SYNC-telegram. |
0xC0420049 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_STOP_SYNC | Failed to stop SYNC-telegram. |
0xC042004A | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_UNEXPECTED_STATE | Node is not in expected state. |
0xC042004B | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_LOST_CONNECTION | Connection to Node lost. |
0xC042004C | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_GUARDING_ERROR | Node guarding error. |
0x4042004E | TLR_I_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_HEARTBEAT_STARTED | Heartbeat supervision of Node started |
0xC042004F | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_UNEXPECTED_BOOTUP | Unexpected Boot up message from Node received. |
0xC0420050 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_WRITE_PDO_REQ | Failed to transmit PDO. |
0xC0420051 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_READ_PDO_REQ | Failed to request PDO. |
0xC0420052 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_INIT_BUFFER | Initialization of buffer failed. |
0x40420053 | TLR_I_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_STATE_NOT_HANDLED | State of Node not handled. |
0xC0420054 | TLR_E_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_DEVICE_TYPE | Node Device Type unequal to configured Device Type. |
0x40420055 | TLR_I_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_EMERGENCY_RECEIVED | Emergency message received from Node |
0x40420056 | TLR_I_CANOPEN_MASTER_INITIALIZE | Master is initializing. |
0x40420057 | TLR_I_CANOPEN_MASTER_NODE_BOOTUP | Boot up message from Node received. |