4000hex…4FFFhex - Block Input Error

The error 4xxxhex is used in case of detected Function Block input parameter errors. The error is structured as follows:

4 X1 X2 X3 hex

X… Value Description
X1 + X2 1….FF Number of the input
X3 0 Invalid value
1 Value too low
2 Value too high
3 Wrong combination of the parameters
Dec Hex Error Description
0 0000 No error.
16416 4020 Value of PUMP_ID is erroneous.
16435 4033 Value of PQ_CURVE_P1 to PQ_CURVE_P5 is erroneous.
16541 4043 Value of PQ_CURVE_Q1 to PQ_CURVE_Q5 is erroneous.
16640 4100 Value of PUMP_MOTOR_EFF is erroneous.
16656 4110 Value of LOW_SPEED_CALC is erroneous.