Input Description


Function Block LOG_IEC60870_INPUT


The inputs marked with a triangle 603a01b1cbeacdfb0a331390010a2c52_78f228175b765b440a33139001315693 are of the class VAR_IN_OUT (input and output variable). These inputs must be connected to a variable.

PINGROUP (pingroup via ADR-Operator)


On this input the data point is set which should be received by the Function Block. The Pin-Group of e.g. the data type IEC60870_MeasuredValue relates to the one defined by the Control-/substation in the global address list of Automation_Builder defined data type (see Control and Substations: Control Station and Substation ConfigurationAutomation_Builder are done, the data type is available in the global variable list in IEC 61131-3 editor (command list, Command(CONSTANT)). The IEC 60870 data are send or received to the data point defined by the address in Automation_Builder. The sent address data point must be the same as the received data point (see Data Points: Data Points

THRESHOLD (threshold via ADR-Operator)


When exceeding or falling below a threshold, a writing operation of a dataset into the FIFOin is started. After this operation, either only the single threshold difference (between input and threshold) is deleted (TH_REFRESH=FALSE) or all differences (TH_REFRESH=TRUE). As the input is a POINTER TO, it has to be connected to an preceding ADR-Operator, to which any available input-type can be provided: BOOL, BYTE, INT, WORD, DINT, DWORD, REAL or an ARRAY of these data types. Make sure that THRESHOLD is always of the same type as in IN. E.g. if IN is an ARRAY[0..n] OF BYTE, THRESHOLD has to be an ARRAY[0..n] OF BYTE, too.

This input is only relevant for IEC_TYPE’s 4(IT1), 5(IT16), 6(ME1) und 7(ME16), not for bool/digital. For the BOOL type inputs, THRESHOLD is not needed.

DATA (input via ADR-Operator)


Input value as single value or as ARRAY for the possible 0 to 16 values. As the input is a POINTER TO, it has to be connected to a preceding ADR-Operator, to which any available input-type can be provided: BOOL, BYTE, INT, WORD, DINT, DWORD, REAL or an ARRAY of these data types.

EN (enable)

Data type: BOOL

The Function Block is activated by a TRUE at the input EN. A FALSE keeps the Function Block deactivated. Is the Function Block activated, the values being present at the inputs are processed and the output values are delivered.

SEND (send)

Data type: BOOL

At a rising edge, this input writes a data set into the FIFOin

CYCLE (cycle)

Data type: BOOL

This input writes all SCANDOWN cycles of a data set into FIFOin. At SCANDOWN=0 a dataset is written in each cycle.

AUTO (auto)

Data type: BOOL

With each change of an input value or exceeding/falling down of THRESHOLD, this input writes a dataset into FIFOin.

SCANDOWN (scandown)

Data type: UINT

This input will be valid if input CYCLE = TRUE. Then cyclical writing is only executed within each scandown cycle.


SCANDOWN=100: In one out of 100 cycles a dataset is written to FIFOin.

SCANDOWN=0: In every cycle a data set is written.

THRESHOLD_REFRESH (threshold refresh)

Data type: BOOL

FALSE: Deletion of the threshold value difference of each input value after its overwriting of the threshold level. All other differences will be ignored if they have not yet been rising above their threshold. A higher trigger rate can be expected.

TRUE: Deletion of all threshold value differences after exceeding one of the thresholds. All other differences will also be cleared even if they have not yet been exceeded the threshold. A lower trigger rate can be expected. As always all data of the Funciton Block are sent, the data values are anyway always up to date.

This input is only relevant for IEC_TYPE’s 2(SP16), 3(DP), 5(IT16) and 7(ME16), more than 1 input.

For the IEC_TYPE’s 2(SP16) und 3(DP) BOOL the input TRESHOLD has no effect, as the inputs are of the type BOOL and therefore cannot have a threshold.

IEC_TYPE (IEC60870 Type)

Data type: BYTE

1=SP1, 2=SP16, 3=DP, 4=IT1, 5=IT16, 6=ME1, 7=ME16

IV (invalid)

Data type: BOOL

Quality: invalid (SP1, SP16, DP, IT1, IT16, ME1, ME16)

NT (not topical)

Data type: BOOL

Quality: not topical (SP1, SP16, DP, ME1, ME16)

SB (substituted)

Data type: BOOL

Quality: substituted (SP1, SP16, DP, ME1, ME16)

BL (blocked)

Data type: BOOL

Quality: blocked (SP1, SP16, DP, ME1, ME16)

CA (carry)

Data type: BOOL

Quality: carry (IT1, IT16)

CY (counter adjusted)

Data type: BOOL

Quality: counter adjusted (IT1, IT16)

QOV (overflow quality)

Data type: BOOL

Quality: overflow (ME1,ME16)

SQ (sequence number)

Data type: BYTE

Quality: sequence number (IT1,IT16)