Using CANOM_ERR, it is possible to locate communication errors more precisely. The output CANOM_ERR is represented as a structure of the type CANOM_COM_ERR_TYPE. In the CANOPEN library this data type is declared as follows:



The output CANOM_ERR is not supported by the Communication Module CM598-CAN.


In case of an error, ADDRESS contains the node address of the faulty device. If ADDRESS has the value 255, the error is located in the Communication Module itself.

Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE - - -


In case of an error, EVENT contains the error causing event. The event refers to a single node address (ADDRESS <> 255) or the Communication Module itself (ADDRESS = 255).

ADDRESS <> 255  Error at subscribers with node address ADDRESS

Event Meaning Error source Cause / Remedy
30 Slave monitoring timeout Slave Check connection and node address of the slave
31 Slave aborted operational mode Slave Reset slave
32 Sequence error in node guarding protocol Slave Reset slave
33 No response to configured remote frame PDO Slave Check whether slave remote frames are supported
34 No slave response during configuration Slave Check whether the slave is connected and ready for operation
35 Actual device profile of the slave differs from the configured device profile Configuration Check the profile supported by the slave
36 Actual device type of the slave differs from the configured device type Configuration Check the services supported by the slave
37 Unknown SDO response received Slave Slave does not meet the CiA protocol specifications
38 Length indicator of a received SDO response is not equal to 8 Slave Slave does not meet the CiA protocol specifications
39 Slave is not processed. It is in the STOP state. Configuration/ Communication Module Deactivate the ‘Auto Clear Mode’

ADDRESS = 255  Communication Module error

Event Meaning Error source Cause / Remedy
52 Unknown process data handshake mode Configuration Contact customer support
56 Invalid data transfer rate Configuration Contact customer support
60 Node address configured twice Configuration / other device Check node addresses of all devices specified in configuration data
210 No configuration data Configuration / Communication Module Load configuration data into Communication Module
212 Error while reading database Configuration / Communication Module Load configuration data into Communication Module again, contact customer support
220 Watchdog error Controller Contact customer support
Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE - - -