The data type CANOM_EMCY_TYPE corresponds to the format of the emergency telegram described in the CANOPEN communication profile and is defined as follows:



Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
WORD - - -

For the emergency object the emergency error codes described in the following table are defined in the CANOPEN communication profile.

Emergency error code Meaning / error cause
decimal hexadecimal  
00000…00255 0000…00FF Error on reset or no error
04096…04351 1000…10FF General error
08192…08447 2000…20FF Current error
08448…08703 2100…21FF - error on the device input side
08704…08959 2200…22FF - error inside the device
08960…09215 2300…23FF - error on the device output side
12288…12543 3000…30FF Voltage error
12544…12799 3100…31FF - supply voltage error
12800…13055 3200…32FF - error inside the device
13056…13311 3300…33FF - error on the device output side
16384…16639 4000…40FF Temperature error
16640…16895 4100…41FF - ambient temperature
16896…17151 4200…42FF - temperature inside the device
20480…20735 5000…50FF Hardware error in the device
24576…24831 6000…60FF Software error in the device
24832…25087 6100…61FF - device-internal software
25088…25343 6200…62FF - application software
25344…25599 6300…63FF Data
28672…28927 7000…70FF Error in additional modules
32768…33023 8000…80FF - monitoring
33024…33279 8100…81FF - communication
36864…37119 9000…90FF External error
61440…61695 F000…F0FF Error of additional functions
65280…65535 FF00…FFFF Device-specific errors


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE - - -

The variable ERROR_REG displays the error register value (object 1001 hex) of the slave. This value is transmitted by the slave as a part of the emergency message.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
ARRAY OF BYTE - 1 … 5 -

If applicable, ERROR_DATA is used to output manufacturer-specific error information transmitted by the slave as part of the emergency message. For detailed information about the meaning of these data please refer to the particular device documentation.