Input Description



Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit

The input EN has to be driven in level triggered mode.

In order to enable the execution of the Function Block the input EN has to be set to value TRUE. It keeps on executing until the input EN is set back to value FALSE.

While it is executed its inputs are continuously evaluated.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE 0 0 … 4 (6) -

At input SLOT, the Communication Module slot is specified which should be used by the Function Block.

The internal Communication Module always has the index 0. All external Communication Modules are serially numbered from right to left, starting with 1.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE - - -

The input TYP is used to select the type of status survey displayed at output NODE.

TYP = 1 Configuration survey

Output NODE displays which slaves are successfully connected to the master (TRUE). Please note that the master only establishes connections to slaves that have been announced to the master during the definition of the configuration data.

TYP = 2 Operational survey

Output NODE displays which slaves are error-free and in operation. A slave can only be announced as operational if it has been configured in the master. The operational survey can only be requested if the Communication Module is in OPERATE state.

TYP = 3 Diagnosis survey

Output NODE indicates which slaves report a diagnosis. The diagnosis survey can only be requested if the Communication Module is in OPERATE state.