3000hex…3FFFhex - Protocol Error

DEC HEX Error description
12289 3001 Unknown protocol or protocol not configured.
12290 3002 Command not supported by the protocol. The function is not supported by the device firmware. Block library newer than the device firmware.
12291 3003

Another protocol is configured.

FC_DC551: The selected interface (COMx) is not set to the CS31 protocol.

COM_MOD_SLV_SET_ADDR..: The selected interface (COMx) is not set to the Multi protocol.

COM_MOD_SLV_SET_ADDR..: Wrong protocol index (No MODBUS protocol on specified index).

HA: No CS31 protocol at COM.

BACnet B-ASC: Multiple function block instances, one instance allowed only.

12292 3004

Operating mode error

COM_MOD_MAST: Invalid operating mode (master/slave).

12293 3005

Protocol status error

Fieldbus Communication Module .._SYS_DIAG: Master is not in the OPERATE state.

ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND: Internal error (ulHandle wrong).

BACnet B-ASC: No device object instantiated.

12307 3013

IEC..: ACTCON timeout

ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND: Server timeout

12308 3014 IEC..: NACK received
12309 3015 ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND: Syntax error in mail address
12310 3016 IEC..: Timeout
12311 3017

Incorrect length

ARC..: Buffer is full

CAN2..: Total length of all messages too high

IEC..: Queue overrun

ETH_UDP..: Buffer is full.

12313 3019

IEC..: ACTERM timeout

Wait answer

ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND: Could not connect to server. Not reachable or does not answer.

12314 301A

Execution failed

COM_SET_PROT: Initialization of the protocol failed

IEC..: Send failed due to queue deleted

COM_MOD_SLV_SET_ADDR..: Internal error (e.g. null pointer received, wrong return value of internal function)

ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND: Internal error. Mail not sent. (e.g. out of resources)

ETH_ICMP_PING: Target Host did not answer the ping echo request before the specified timeout

12315 301B

Access error

ARC..: Buffer does not exist / is not specified

CAN2..: Buffer does not exist / is not specified

ETH_UDP..: Buffer does not exist / is not specified

IEC..: Protocol access error

IO..: There is no module in the selected slot

12316 301C

Wrong number

IO..: Invalid module number > max.

12319 301F

Access denied

COM..: Access to the interface is not possible at present. Control Builder, OPC or another program is logged in via the interface.

12320 3020

Error when opening

ARC..: Error during protocol initialization. Protocol not yet ready.

CAN2..: Error during protocol initialization. Protocol not yet ready.

IEC..: Data type mismatch for this PIN when data arrived.

ETH_UDP..: Error during protocol initialization. Protocol not yet ready.


  • File for attachment cannot be opened
  • Server not ready (wrong port configured?)
12321 3021

ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND: File for attachment not found

CPU_PROD_ENTRY_READ: Entry not found

12325 3025

Address error

COM_MOD_MAST: Receive telegram does not contain the expected register address.

ETH_MOD_MAST: Cannot connect to server (IP address) OR response telegram contains wrong UNIT_ID (must be the same as in request).

ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND: Internal error (Could not bind sockets).

ETH_UDP_REC: Wrong INDEX for connection.

ETH_UDP_SEND: Wrong INDEX for connection or IP Destination does not contain a valid IP address.

12326 3026

Function error

COM_MOD_MAST: The received FCT does not correspond to the sent FCT.

12327 3027

Invalid value

COM_MOD_MAST: Receive telegram contains an unexpected value.

12328 3028

ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND: Out of sockets. Mail not sent (resource starvation).

ETH_ICMP_PING: Could not create internal Task (not enough resources).

BACnet B-ASC: Protocol task start failed.

12329 3029 HA..: CI590-CS31-HA slave configuration is not complete.
12331 302B Unspecified error
12333 302D No connection, sending not possible due to no connection, either closed or not established yet
12540 30FC ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND: Mailbox unavailable or not found on target server. SMTP error by server.
12788 31F4 ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND: Syntax Error. SMTP error by server.
12789 31F5 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
12790 31F6 Command not implemented. SMTP error by server.
12823 3217 ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND: Wrong user login and/or password. Check configuration. SMTP Error by server.
12839 3227 ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND: Mailbox unavailable or not found on target server. SMTP Error by server.
12840 3228 ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND: Exceeded mailbox storage on target server. SMTP Error by server.
12841 3229 ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND: Mailbox name not allowed. SMTP Error by server.
16383 3FFF

Not ready. Resources currently not available.

COM_MOD_MAST: Transmission is not possible at the moment. Another instance of the Function Block is already transmitting.

COM_SEND: Transmission is not possible at the moment. Another instance of the Function Block is already transmitting.

BACnet B-ASC: No memory for BACnet objects.