Input Description¶
EN (enable)
Data type: BOOL
The Function Block is activated (EN = TRUE) or deactivated (EN = FALSE) via input EN. If the block is active, the current values are available at the outputs. To start a new write job the input EN has to be set from FALSE to TRUE.
If the input values are valid, a request is sent to the Communication Block via the DRIVE_DATA variable. If, at least 1 input is invalid, no job is generated and the error is displayed at the outputs ERR and ERNO instead.
SLOT (slot )
Data type: BYTE, Default value: 1, Range: 1 to 6
At input SLOT the communication module SLOT (module number) is selected, which should be used by the Function Block. All external Communication Modules are serially numbered from right to left, starting with module number 1.
If the SLOT number is given incorrect or invalid, then the Function Block will displays an error. In such case ERR=TRUE and ERNO=16#4020.
For PM595 Processor Modules, internal PROFINET Communication Module with connector ETH3 is slot 5, ETH4 is slot 6.
DEV_NAME (device name)
Data type: STRING, Default value: “Not Available”, Range: 1 to 240
At input DEV_NAME, the name of the drive (slave) from which the parameter value to be read must be specified.
The Function Block is designed to be used with a fix SLAVE device.
If the DEV_NAME is given incorrect or invalid, then the Function Block will displays an error. In such case ERR=TRUE and ERNO=16#4030.
The DEV_NAME input should not be changed, while the program is running. If changed, nevertheless the new value will become effective only after the Function Block is enabled again.
DRIVE_TYPE (drive type)
Data type: ENUM, Default value: ACS_DRIVE_ACS355
At the input DRIVE_TYPE the type of ACS drive is specified with an ENUM or INT. (Please refer ACS_DRIVE_ENUM for details.) The input can be set either by the value directly or by using the enum.
NVAR (number of variables)
Data type: BYTE, Default value: 0, Range: 0 to 37
With input NVAR the Function Block can be configured to read between 0 to 37 drive parameter values.
If the NVAR is given incorrect or invalid, then the Function Block will display an error. In such case ERR=TRUE and ERNO=16#4040.
DATA (data)
Data type: DWORD
Input Data must be connected to the variable of type ACS_PB_PN_PRM_DPV1_DATA_TYPE for specifying READ parameter group and index. Each drive must have its own DATA variable.