ACS_PN_READ_N_PRM_DPV1 Read Parameters from ABB Drives via PROFINET DPV1ΒΆ


Function Bock ACS_PN_READ_N_PRM_DPV1 reads maximum 37 parameters from the drive in a single query. The number of parameters to be read is specified at the input NVAR.

Function Block Information

Available in PLC runtime system: V2.4 and above
Included in library: ACSDrivesComPN_AC500_V24.lib
Function Block Type: Function Block with historical values.

Block Description

Function Bock ACS_PN_READ_N_PRM_DPV1 reads maximum 37 parameters from the drive in a single query. The number of parameters to be read is specified at the input NVAR

Parameters to read to the drive is specified at the DATA Input. ACS_PB_PN_PRM_DPV1_DATA_TYPE structure must be declared to a variable and connected to DATA input using ADR, which is to be entered with Group, Index.

Read parameter type and values are stored in the same variable.

ACS_PB_PN_PRM_DPV1_DATA_TYPE structure has the following array elements:

  • abyPrmGroup : Array of 37 BYTE for specifying parameter Group.

  • abyPrmIndex : Array of 37 BYTE for specifying parameter Index

  • abyPrmType : Array of 37 BYTE

    READ parameter data type will be available here. For details refer to ACS_PB_PN_PRM_TYPE_ENUM ACS_PB_PN_PRM_TYPE_ENUM

  • adwPrmValue: Array of 37 DWORD

    READ parameter value will be available here.


Currently user cannot use enumeration from ACS_PB_PN_PRM_TYPE_ENUM.

Instead user need to use numerical values from ACS_PB_PN_PRM_TYPE_ENUM only.

The values in the structure area are updated, when the READ job was performed without error. This is indicated by DONE=TRUE and ERR=FALSE.


If the user need to read Parameter 10.01 and 11.05, then user need to enter the group and index number separately in input DATA as below:


Parameter Group : DataStruct.abyPrmGroup[1]:= 10; DataStruct.abyPrmGroup[2]:= 11;

Parameter Index : DataStruct .abyPrmIndex [1]:= 01; DataStruct .abyPrmIndex [2]:= 05;

Parameter Type : Once read operation is complete parameter type will be stored inside DataStruct. abyPrmType [1]:= xx; DataStruct. abyPrmType [2]:= xx;

Parameter Value : And the value will be stored inside DataStruct. adwPrmValue [1]:= xx; DataStruct. adwPrmValue [2]:= xx;

The values in the structure area are updated once the read job is performed without error. This is indicated by DONE=TRUE and ERR=FALSE.