Error Codes

Besides the diagnosis information of the drive which is described in the respective drive documentation, there is a number of error codes directly related to the Function Blocks. These error codes are displayed at the output “ErrorID” of the Function Block.

Error Code Mnemonic Explanation
1 WRONG_STATE A Function Block was activated not according to the statemachine, e.g. tried to start a movement while in state Disabled.
2 DRIVE_PROBLEM The drive left the expected state, e.g. tripped.
3 PARAMETER_EXCEEDS_LIMIT A parameter at the Function Block is outside the possible range. This does not refer to the parameter range which is allowed for the drive but just to the 32-Bit Integer which is used for internal calculation.
4 NO_FIELD_ACCESS The field bus connection is faulty.
5 BUS_PROBLEM Not used
6 ABS_SWITCH_ERROR During Homing (when done by Function Blocks) a switch was wrong, e.g. the positive switch occurred when moving in negative direction.
7 TIMEOUT Any activity was not completed within an appropriate time.
8 NAK Read or Write Parameter could not be completed.
9 MC_TimeLimitExceeded Used by Function Blocks with TimeLimit.
10 MC_DistanceLimitExceeded Used by Function Blocks with DistanceLimit.
11 MC_TorqueLimitExceeded Used by Function Blocks with TorqueLimit.
12 NOT_IMPLEMENTED Function Block is not implemented for the specific drive/motion application.