For usage with the PLCopen Library, a set of visualization objects is defined. These visualizations use the placeholder concept, which means that they could be used in an actual visualization several times and be instantiated by replacing the “placeholder” with an effective data-structure.
Three types of visualizations exist:
- As placeholder, an instance of AXIS_REF should be used. These are named: MC_VISU_Axis_name.
- As placeholder, an instance of the respective driver –Function Block should be used. These are named (in case of ACSM1) MC_VISU_ACSM1_name.
- As placeholder, an instance of the respective PLCopen-Function Block should be used. These visualizations are named MC_VISU_FB_name where “name” could be MoveAbsolute or MoveVelocity, so the complete element is named MC_VISU_FB_MoveAbsolute or MC_VISU_FB_MoveVelocity.
The background colour and the colour for the title of each element could be changed. The colours are defined in some global predefined variables in MC_BASE_AC500_V10.lib. By changing these values, different colours will be used.
Below, some existing visualizations are shown.
This shows the statemachine of the axis according to PLCopen definition. The active state is shown green except the ErrorStop which is shown red. Usually, it starts with Disabled. When no remote connection to the drive is available, it will switch to ErrorStop immediately.
The Placeholder of this visualization has to be connected to an instance of the data type AXIS_REF.
This object shows some actual values.
The Placeholder of this visualization has to be connected to an instance of the data type AXIS_REF.
This object shows the error information connected to the PLCopen Function Blocks. This is NOT a drive error. If no error occurs in the execution of a Function Block, just the name is shown. If an error occurred, it shows the name of the Function Block as well as the error number and a short description. In the example below, the MC_Power Function Block recognized that no fieldbus connection to the drive was available.
The Placeholder of this visualization has to be connected to an instance of the data type AXIS_REF.