
Function Block CS31QU_EXT allows to acknowledge automatically error messages of AC31 Modules.

Parameter Value
Library_File_Name CS31_AC500_V20.lib
Firmware V2.0
Type Type_Function_Block_History
Group Group/Subgroup

This Function Block allows to acknowledge automatically error messages of AC31 remote modules. Error messages are stored on the AC31 remote modules until they are acknowledged. Even if the error has been removed, the error message is still pending on the module until acknowledgement and is also signalized to the PLC until the message is acknowledged.

Processing of the Function Block is enabled with a TRUE signal at input FREI, and the Function Block then acknowledges AC31 errors continuously.

It may take several PLC cycles to acknowledge an error on an AC31 module.

If the Function Block is enabled, it constantly checks whether an AC31 error of class 3 or 4 has occurred and acknowledges this error.