Input DescriptionΒΆ


EN   BOOL \   (enable)

The Function Block is activated with a value TRUE at the variable EN. Otherwise it remains disabled.

If the Function Block is activated the specified input values are used and the output values are available at the Function Block outputs.

CON   IEC60870_5_104_Connection \    (connection)

At input CON the corresponding connection is set to gather information.

The data type of the type IEC60870_5_104_Connection corresponds to the defined Control-/Substation name in Automation_Builder, see Configuration of Control and Substations: Control Station and Substation Configuration

After the declaration in Automation_Builder the data type is available at the global variables constants list.

SEND   BOOL \   (send)

A true in conjunction with EN being TRUE will send a C_RD_NA_1 requesting the information object with the given address (GADU1 ,GADU2, IAD1, IAD2, IAD3)

GADU1 \    (Common Address of ASDU Byte 1)

GADU2 \    (Common Address of ASDU Byte 2)

IAD1 \    (Information Object Address Byte 1)

IAD2 \    (Information Object Address Byte 2)

IAD3 \    (Information Object Address Byte 3)