HA_CS31_INTEGRAL - HA Integral Function Block


Function block HA_CS31_INTEGRAL

General Information
Available as of PLC runtime system V1.3 and above
Included in library HA_CS31_AC500_V13.lib (V1.3) and above
Type Function Block with historical values.

This function block approximately determines the integral of the function with automatic data synchronization in a High Availability application.


Only internal variables and outputs are synchronized. Input variables and parameters are not synchronized. If needed, use HA_CS31_DATA_SYNC to achieve the same.

In an analogous fashion to DERIVATIVE, the function value is delivered as a REAL variable by using IN. TM contains the time which has passed in a DWORD (in ms). The input of RESET of the bool type allows the function block to start anew with value TRUE. The integral is approximated by two step functions. The average of these is delivered as the approximated integral.