Input Description




The inputs marked with a triangle ad16ae8ccbec95630a3313900028c4a6_78f228175b765b440a33139001315693 are of the class VAR_IN_OUT (input and output variable). These inputs must be connected to a variable.

EN (enable)

Data type: BOOL

The Function Block is activated by a TRUE at the input EN. A FALSE keeps the Function Block deactivated. Is the Function Block activated, the values being present at the inputs are processed and the output values are delivered.

SENT (output data were sent)

Data type: BOOL

Feedback from the user program that the currently provided dataset was sent. By the 0/1 edge the RAM-FIFOout is decremented by a value of 1 (FIFOOUT_LEVEL -1). DONE changes to “FALSE” and on the output STATE the text “zLOG_OUTPUT_DATA_HAS_BEEN_SENT” appears. By the 1/0 edge on SENT the Function Block reads the next dataset (it is the same as the automatic reading without a command, as long as SENT = FALSE).