Output Description¶
DONE (done)
Data type: BOOL
On this output the status of the Function Block is shown. DONE = TRUE if the execution is finished or discarded due to an error. Therefore this output always has to be evaluated with the ERR output. If DONE = TRUE and ERR = TRUE, an error will be pending. In this case the error number can be read from the output ERNO.
ERR (error)
Data type: BOOL
Output will be TRUE, if an error occurs while execution of the Function Block. Output will be FALSE, if the execution is ended normal.
ERNO (error number)
Data type: WORD
On this output an error code will be given, if an error occurs while execution of the Function Block (ERR = TRUE).Error messages: Error Messages of the Function Block Libraries
STATE (enumeration of type zLOG_STATE_ENUM)
Data type: zLOG_STATE_ENUM
Clear text messages of errors and states. The output uses the enumeration of the data type zLOG_STATE_ENUM declared in “data types”.
EMPTY (empty)
Data type: BOOL
FIFOout “EMPTY” is shown.
Data type: DINT
The current level of RAM-FIFOout %M area (zLOG_FIFOOUT_LEVEL) is displayed.
ID (identity)
Data type: STRING(8)
Output of the ID or name of the dataset as string chain (no special characters), maximum 8 characters.
TIMESTAMP (timestamp)
Data type: DT
Output of the time stamp of the dataset in the format year-month-day-hour-minute-second.
MSEC (milliseconds of timestamp)
Data type: WORD
Output of the milliseconds of the time stamp of the dataset.
DATATYPE (data type of dataset)
Data type: BYTE
Output of the dataset data type: 1=BOOL, 2=BYTE, 3=INT, 4=WORD, 5=DINT, 6=DWORD, 7=REAL.
BOOL_ARRAY (array 0..57 of bool)
Data type: ARRAY[0..57] OF BOOL
Output of the dataset as ARRAY OF BOOL (max 58 values).
BYTE_ARRAY (array 0..87 of byte)
Data type: ARRAY[0..87] OF BYTE
Output of the dataset as ARRAY OF BYTE (max 88 values).
INT_ARRAY (array 0..49 of int)
Data type: ARRAY[0..49] OF INT
Output of the dataset as ARRAY OF INT (max 48 values).
WORD_ARRAY (array 0..57 of word)
Data type: ARRAY[0..57] OF WORD
Output of the dataset as ARRAY OF WORD (max 58 values).
DINT_ARRAY (array 0..28 of dint)
Data type: ARRAY[0..28] OF DINT
Output of the dataset as ARRAY OF DINT (max 29 values).
DWORD_ARRAY (array 0..30 of dword)
Data type: ARRAY[0..30] OF DWORD
Output of the dataset as ARRAY OF DWORD (max 31 values).
REAL_ARRAY (array 0..26 of real)
Data type: ARRAY[0..26] OF REAL
Output of the dataset as ARRAY OF REAL (maximum 27 values).
LENGTH (length of valid values)
Data type: INT
Number of valid values (maximum 88 values, depending of type).
Integrated Visualization