Available as of PLC runtime system: V1.3 and above
Included in library: Solar_AC500_V22.lib
Type Function Block with historical values
Group Package of functions to get the sun position

The SOLAR_ENCODER_DC541 is used to easily integrate, with the DC541 module, incremental encoders (A, B, Z) as positioning sensors for Solar Trackers.

The module DC541 can be done a count of signals up to 60 kHz. Pulse multiplication (x2 or x4) is not used.

The counter always uses the channels C0…C3 of the DC541:

C0: Track A of the incremental encoder

C1: Track B of the incremental encoder

C2: Track Z of the incremental encoder

In order to configure and use the function counter of module DC541, the module should be configured as follow:

Configuration of module DC541 to control an incremental encoder.

Step 1:

In Control Builder Plus V2.0 and above:


The Function Block SOLAR_ENCODER_DC541 should be used configuring the module as a “Counter mode”.

In Control Builder Plus V2.0 and above:

Last step is to configure the “Channel 0” as “32 bit counter”.


Configuration of module DC541 to control an incremental encoder.

Step 3:

In Control Builder Plus V2.0 and above:


The module DC541 provides an encoder function for relative positioning with 3 signals. 2 signals are used for rotation discrimination and pulse. The third one is used in multi-turn encoder to count the number of rotation (mechanical zero).

The rotation is identified with a shift angle (90°) between A and B signal. In the module DC541, the clockwise rotation is identified with A signal in advance to B (see picture below).

Example: Direction identification using A and B signals:
