Function Block MC_Halt
This Function Block commands a controlled motion stop. The axis is moved to the state Discrete Motion, until the velocity is zero. With the Done output set, the state is transferred to StandStill.
- MC_Halt is used to stop the axis under normal operation conditions. In non-buffered mode it is possible to set another motion command during deceleration of the axis, which will abort the MC_Halt and will be executed immediately.
- If this command is active the next command can be issued. E.g. a driverless vehicle detects an obstacle and needs to stop. MC_Halt is issued. Before the standstill is reached the obstacle is removed and the motion can be continued by setting another motion command, so the vehicle does not stop.
See the following chapter to check if this Function Block is supported by the used axis implementation: Overview
For this Function Block there is a visualization in the Library MC_Blocks_AC500_V11.
See the following chapter for a list of available data types: Overview
Example: Behavior of MC_Halt in combination with MC_MoveVelocity
- A rotating axis is ramped down with Function Block MC_Halt.
- Another motion command overrides the MC_Halt command. MC_Halt allows this, in contrast to MC_Stop. The axis can accelerate again without reaching standstill.
Example MC_Halt