byStationNum (station number)
Data type: BYTE, default value: 1, range: > 0
If more than one pump station are programmed, then byStationNum can be used to differentiate the stations.
sStationName (station name)
Data type: STRING(20)
If more than one pump station are programmed, then sStationName can be used to differentiate the stations in a “speaking” way and e.g. use for HMI purposes.
tsStation (station data)
This structure stores station data.
atsPump(pumps data)
Data type: ARRAY[1..3] OF zPUMP_DATA_TYPE
An array is created for each pump. All pump information is stored in this structure.
byStationOpMode (station operating mode)
Data type: BYTE, default value: 2, range: 0-2
This variable stores the operating mode of the pumping station.
byMasterLoc(master location)
Data type: BYTE, default value: 1, range: 0-1
This variable stores the master location of the pumping station.