zPUMP_STATION_DATA_TYPE Station Configuration DataΒΆ

iNumOfPumps (number of pumps)

Data type: INT

This variable defines the number of pumps in the station.

byAutoChgStyle (autochange style)

Data type: BYTE

Style Short description Description
0 None Autochange function disabled.
1 Fixed The starting sequence is shifted periodically at pre-defined intervals Autochg interval. In traditional pump control.
2 Runtime diff The starting sequence is rearranged when the difference between the runtimes of two pumps exceed a limit, Runtime difference. In the new sequence, the pump with the lowest runtime will be started first, the pump with the highest runtime will be started last.
3 All stop The starting sequence is shifted every time the pump stops.

timAutoChgInterval (auto change interval time)

Data type: TIME

Time interval to elapse for the fixed autochange to activate.

timRuntimeDifference(runtime difference time)

Data type: TIME

Maximum permited runtime diff between the two pumps in the network.

rSleepBoostRef(sleep boost reference)

Data type: REAL

Speed step from the sleep function block. This step is used as additional setpoint to the pump before going to sleep mode.

byOperationMode(operation mode)

Data type: BYTE

Stores the operating mode of the pump boost control.