byPumpID(pump ID)

Data type: INT

This variable denotes Pump identification number.

byPumpPriority(pump priority)

Data type: BYTE

This variable denotes pump priority.

xPumpOn(pump on)

Data type: BOOL

By using FALSE value for this variable the user can remove this pump from the network in case of any problem/fault.

iPumpMaxSpeed(pump max speed)

Data type: INT

This variable denotes maximum speed of the pump.

byFollowerMode(follower mode)

Data type: BYTE

0 = fixed, 1 = copy master, 2 = master speed.

iFollowerRef(follower reference)

Data type: INT

Follower speed ref in RPM for a pump, when follower mode is fixed.

xResetRuntime(reset runtime)

Data type: BOOL

To reset the runtime value of the pump.

iAntiJamTrigger(antijam trigger)

Data type: INT

Trigger to clean the pump. 0 = not enabled, 1 = master enabled, 2 = follower enabled, 3 = at start, 4 = manual.