xDriveEnable(drive enable)
Data type: BOOL
This variable gives start command to the drive.
Data type: INT
Speed reference of the pump.
xMasterStatus(master status)
Data type: BOOL
TRUE value indicates that the pump is a MASTER and the FALSE value indicates that the pump is FOLLOWER.
xStopMode(stop mode)
Data type: BOOL
This identifies that the drive has to stop in the protection mode.
xInletRedSpeedMode(inlet reduced speed mode)
Data type: BOOL
This identifies that the pump has to run at the inlet reduced speed in the protection mode.
xOutletRedSpeedMode(outlet reduced speed mode)
Data type: BOOL
This identifies that the drive has to run at the outlet reduced speed in the protection mode.
Data type: BOOL
True value tells that the pump is in ready state.
Data type: BOOL
True value tells that the pump is in running state.
Data type: BOOL
True value indicates the fault in a pump.
xPumpProtectionFault(pump protection fault)
Data type: BOOL, default value: FALSE
True value indicates the fault generated by the protection bit.
xDriveFault(drive fault)
Data type: BOOL
True value indicates the drive fault.
xStandBy (standby)
Data type: BOOL
True value indicates that the pump is at standby state.
xRFGDisable(RFG disable)
Data type: BOOL
To disable the RFG of the drive of the pump.
xAntiJamOn(antijam on)
Data type: BOOL
On command to the pump in the manual mode of antijam function.
Data type: INT
Speed reference to the pump in the manual mode of antijam function.
Data type: TIME
This variable stores the current runtime of the pump.
rInletForcedRef(inlet forced reference)
Data type: REAL
Forced speed ref when inlet mode=3, from pump_protection Function Block.
rOutletForcedRef(outlet forced reference)
Data type: REAL
Forced speed ref when outlet mode=3, from pump_protection Function Block.