iPIDReference(pid reference)

Data type: INT

Value of speed correction coming from the PID Function Block.

xBoostEn (boost enable)

Data type: BOOL, default value: FALSE

Gives the true value when the pump boost enabled.

xBoostStart(boost start)

Data type: BOOL

Gives the true value when the pump boost starts.

xLevelCtrlEn (level control enable)

Data type: BOOL, default value: FALSE

Gives the TRUE value when the pump level control is enabled

xLevelCtrlStart(level control start)

Data type: BOOL

Gives the true value when the level control starts.

iStationMode(station mode)

Data type: BYTE

0 = none, 1 = pump bosst mode, 2 = level control mode.

aiSequenceID (sequence ID)

Data type: ARRAY[1..3] OF INT

Stores the sequence of the pumps operating in the station.

aiOriginalD (original ID)

Data type: ARRAY[1..3] OF INT

Stores the sequence of the pumps operating in the station without any sorting.

xSleepModeActive(sleep mode active)

Data type: BOOL

True value indicates that the sleep mode has been activated.

xSoftFillActive(soft fill active)

Data type: BOOL

True value indicates that the soft fill has been activated.

xAutoChgLevelCtrl(Autochange in the level control)

Data type: BOOL, default value: FALSE

When the auto change occurs in the level control, xAutoChgLevelCtrl becomes true for one scan cycle to ensure the changeover between the pumps.


Data type: BOOL, default value: FALSE

True value indicates the interface Function Block to assign the data in the structure


Data type: BOOL, default value: FALSE

True value indicates the interface Function Block to assign the data in the structure


Data type: BOOL, default value: FALSE

True value indicates the interface Function Block to assign the data in the structure

xAutoChgRunning(auto change running)

Data type: BOOL

True values indicates that auto change is running state.