dwStatusWord (status word)

Data type: DWORD

Pump status word.

bit Description
bit0 =1 When the traditional pump control mode is active.
bit1 =1 When PID controller is bypassed.
bit2 =1 Multi pump active.
bit3 =1 Level control active.
bit4 =1 Sleep mode active.
bit5 =1 Sleep boost active.
bit6 =1 Soft pipe filling active.
bit7 =1 Reserved
bit8 =1 Pump cleaning active.
bit9 =1 Reserved
bit10 =1 PID reference freeze.
bit11 =1 PID out freeze.
bit12 =1 PID balancing.
bit13 =1 No auxilary pump available to start.
bit14 =1 Autochange active.
bit15 =1 Outlet protection monitoring.
bit16 =1 Inlet protection monitoring.
bit17-31 Reserved

dwAlarmWord (alarm word)

Data type: DWORD

Pump alarm word.

bit Description
bit0 =1 Measured flow below min value.
bit1 =1 Measured flow above max value.
bit2 =1 Inlet pressure low.
bit3 =1 Outlet pressure high.
bit4 =1 Inlet pressure low.
bit5 =1 Outlet pressure high.
bit6 =1 Profile protection limit exceeded.
bit7 =1 Maximum number of cleaning sequences exceeded.
bit8 =1 Pump cleaning in progress.
bit9 =1 Pipefill time out.
bit10 =1 No pump available.
bit11 =1 Energy consumption limit exceeded.
bit12-14 =1 Reserved.
bit15 =1 Information alarm for sleep boost active.
bit16 =1 Information alarm for soft pipe fill active.
bit17 =1 No more pumps let to start.
bit18 =1 Autochange is active.
bit19 =1 Sleeping mode active.
bit20 =1 Pump will start after the start delay.
bit21,22 =1 Reserved
bit23 =1 Tank full.
bit24 =1 Tank empty.
bit25 =1 Reserved for the master-slave configuration.
bit26 =1 Protect for inlet control mode.
bit27 =1 Protect for outlet control mode.
bit28-31 Reserved

wFaultWord (fault word)

Data type: WORD

Pump fault word.

bit Description
bit0 =1 Measured flow below min value.
bit1 =1 Measured flow above max value.
bit2 =1 Inlet pressure low.
bit3 =1 Outlet pressure high.
bit4 =1 Inlet pressure very low.
bit5 =1 Outlet pressure very high.
bit6 =1 Maximum number of cleaning sequences exceeded.
bit7 =1 Pipefill time out.
bit8,9 =1 Reserved for master-slave configuration.
bit10 =1 Stop command for very low pressure.
bit11 =1 Stop command for very high pressure.
bit12-31 Reserved