Input Description¶
Function Block TECT_DATA_FLASH
The inputs marked with a triangle are of the class VAR_IN_OUT (input and output variable). These inputs must be connected to a variable.
EN (enable)
Data type: BOOL
The Function Block is activated by a rising edge at the input EN. A FALSE keeps the Function Block deactivated. If the Function Block is activated, the values being present at the inputs are processed and the output values are delivered.
1: Enable READ operation: READ data from flash to TECT_TEMPZONE_DATA_TYPE.
2: Enable WRITE operation: WRITE data from TECT_TEMPZONE_DATA_TYPE to flash.
Each Function Block can only be written once. For a second WRITE action, the whole flash segment needs to be deleted first.
3: Enable DELETE operation: Delete the whole flash segment.
4: Enable CHECK_READ operation: Check, if there are already valid parameters (KS>0) in TECT.
5: Enable DELETE_WRITE operation: Before write data from TECT_TEMPZONE_DATA_TYPE to flash, delete the whole flash segment first. It is used to avoid error 4101 by WRITE: Block was already written.
6: Enable CHECK_WRITE operation: Combination of CHECK_READ and DELETE_WRITE.
Data type: BYTE, Default value: 1, Range: 1 or 2
Number of the data segment. Each segment has 1927 blocks (0 … 1926).
Data type: WORD, Default value: 0, Range: 0 … 1926.
Each segment has 1927 blocks (0…1926). Each block has 32 bytes. Each temperature zone needs one block (ie. 32 bytes).
The first block is assigned for FIRST_ZONEDATA.
Data type: WORD, Default value: 1, Range: > 0.
Number of zones in the entire system.
Monitoring of the first zone data structure of the zone group.
All zones must be declared one after another without break. It is highly recommended to define an array of TECT_TEMPZONE_DATA_TYPE for the whole system.