Function Blocks

Overview of the PS564-TEMPCTRL Package

The Temperature Control Library package (PS564-TEMP_CTRL) designed for the demand of advanced temperature control for critical processes, which need precise temperature control and e.g. adaptive tuning for ease of handling and changing environmental or process conditions. The package consists of libraries and examples. This document describes the function blocks of the main library TECT_TEMP_CONTROL_V24.lib. All other library files: (ADCTRL_AC500_V24.lib, TECT_EXT_AC500_V24.lib and TECT_EXT_AC500_V24…obj) are internal and need not be called by the end user.

Overview of Function Blocks
Function Block Description Use Range
TECT_TEMP_CONTROL Temperature control Function Block. For one zone
TECT_LOG_FILE Logging of process value change. For entire system
TECT_TEMP_SIMU Temperature zone simulation. For one zone
TECT_NOISE_FILTER Filter for short time noise. For one zone
TECT_GROUP Temperature control Function block for a group For one group
TECT_PWM8 Coordination of PWM outputs up to 8 zones. For up to 8 zones
TECT_RECIPE Read/Write recipe data in a file. For entire system
TECT_DATA_FLASH Read/Write/Delete AutoTune data on flash. For entire system
TECT_HMI_MUX Manage data transfer of active group to be monitored on operating HMI. For entire system
TECT_SYSTEM Function Block for system fault monitoring, system control and zone information. For entire system

Overview: Function Blocks