Input DescriptionΒΆ



The inputs marked with a triangle d42829af5be36f1d0a3313906d3b3c1b_78f228175b765b440a33139001315693 are of the class VAR_IN_OUT (input and output variable). These inputs must be connected to a variable.

EN (enable)

Data type: BOOL

The Function Block is activated (EN = TRUE) or deactivated (EN = FALSE) via input EN.

If the Function Block is active, the current values are available at the outputs. If the block is deactivated (EN = FALSE), then all outputs are reset to zero.

PZD_OUT4 (PZD output 4)

Data type: WORD

Process Data word to drive

Available with PPO_Type: 2,4,5,6,7,8

PZD_OUT5 (PZD output 5)

Data type: WORD

Process Data word to drive

Available with PPO_Type: 2,4,5,6,7,8

PZD_OUT6 (PZD output 6)

Data type: WORD

Process Data word to drive

Available with PPO_Type: 2,4,5,6,7,8

PZD_OUT7 (PZD output 7)

Data type: WORD

Process Data word to drive

Available with PPO_Type: 5,6,7,8

PZD_OUT8 (PZD output 8)

Data type: WORD

Process Data word to drive

Available with PPO_Type: 5,6,7,8

PZD_OUT9 (PZD output 9)

Data type: WORD

Process Data word to drive

Available with PPO_Type: 5,6,7,8

PZD_OUT10 (PZD output 10)

Data type: WORD

Process Data word to drive

Available with PPO_Type: 5,6,7,8

PZD_OUT11 (PZD output 11)

Data type: WORD

Process Data word to drive

Available with PPO_Type: 7,8

PZD_OUT12 (PZD output 12)

Data type: WORD

Process Data word to drive

Available with PPO_Type: 7,8

DRIVE_DATA (drive data)

Data type: ACS_DRIVE_DATA_TYPE ACS_DRIVE_DATA_TYPE Structure to Exchange Data Between Function Blocks for 1 Drive

The combined input/output DRIVE_DATA must be connected to the variable of type ACS_DRIVE_DATA_TYPE of the related ACS drive (slave). Each drive must have its own DRIVE_DATA variable.

The DRIVE_DATA variable contains the data of the drive and must be connected to all related Function Blocks of this drive.