Output Description



Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit

Output DONE indicates the state of execution.

It has the value TRUE when the execution is finished and the outputs are valid. When DONE becomes FALSE other outputs are not valid any more.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit

Output ERR indicates whether an error occurred during Function Block execution.

It is only valid when DONE is TRUE. The kind of occurred error is specified by the error identifier at output ERNO.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
WORD - 0 … 65535 -

At output ERNO the identifier of an occurred error is provided. It is only valid when DONE and ERR is TRUE (see, error messages): Error Messages of the Function Block Libraries

ERR_IN_CNT (error \ input \ counter)

Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE 0 0 … 255 -

The variable ERR_IN_CNT contains the number of input errors.

The error counter ERR_IN_CNT will be incremented, if the synchronized IEC task was not started within the current bus cycle.

ERR_OUT_CNT (error \ output \ counter)

Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE 0 0 … 255 -

The variable ERR_OUT_CNT contains the number of output errors.

The error counter ERR_OUT_CNT will be incremented, if the started task was not finished within the current bus cycle.