Output Description


Function Block LOG_HANDLING

DONE (done)

Data type: BOOL

Output will be TRUE, if all activities of the Function Block are done (FORMAT, MOVE, RESET, QUIT) and all active files are closed. For example, the SDcard can be taken away if DONE = TRUE, otherwise at least a partial loss of data is possible.

ERR (error)

Data type: BOOL

Output will be TRUE, if an error occurs while execution of the Function Block. Output will be FALSE, if the execution is ended normal.

ERNO (error number)

Data type: WORD

On this output an error code will be given, if an error occurs while execution of the Function Block (ERR = TRUE).Error messages: Error Messages of the Function Block Libraries

In addition, if errors occur while executing the IEC standard Function Blocks which are used internally, on the output ERNO a related error code: Error-Messages/Error-Messages

RDY (ready)

Data type: BOOL

Output will be TRUE, if all external triggered activities of the Function Block are processed (FORMAT, MOVE, RESET, QUIT). Blinks if input EXT_POWER is missing.

OV (overrun)

Data type: BOOL

Output will be TRUE, if an overflow occurs. On this output a rising edge (FALSE -> TRUE) shows that communication/logging request occurred too fast and therefore the SRAM-FIFOin is full.

BREAK (break connect)

Data type: BOOL

Active, while available connection and while reading of historical values the SRAM-FIFOin is nearly full with new datasets. If BREAK is active, the SRAM-FIFOin-data will be written to FILE-FIFO despite CONNECT, in order to widely avoid OV of the SRAM-FIFOin. However, if incoming datasets arrive faster as they can be written to files, the system will reach a limit. Then an OV stop cannot be avoided.

READ_FILE_WHILE_BREAK (read file while break)

Data type: BOOL

Safety function: Output will be active, if all available files are full during CONNECT and BREAK. In this case primarily the oldest file of the FILE-FIFO is read out, regardless of OV.

ENUM_ERROR (eError from CAA Library)

Data type: FILE_ERROR

Detailed error messages of the used CAA_File Function Block Library. Output will be flagged, if an error occurs while execution of the Function Block. For error messages refer to chapter Error Messages of the CAA_File Function Block Library.

STATE (enumeration of type zLOG_STATE_ENUM)

Data type: zLOG_STATE_ENUM

Clear text messages of errors and states. The output uses the enumeration of the data type zLOG_STATE_ENUM declared in “data types”.


Data type: BOOL

SRAM-FIFOin is empty.


Data type: BOOL

SRAM-FIFOin is full (maximum 161 datasets).


Data type: DINT

Output represents the current level of SRAM-FIFOin %R area (zLOG_FIFOIN_LEVEL).


Data type: DINT

Maximum SRAM-FIFOin filling level since EN=TRUE.


Data type: DINT

Standard value = 161.


Data type: BOOL

RAM-FIFOout is empty.


Data type: BOOL

RAM-FIFOout is full (max 161 Datasets).


Data type: DINT

RAM-FIFOout filling level. Output represents current level of SRAM-FIFOin %R area (stored value).


Data type: DINT

Maximum RAM-FIFOout filling level since EN=TRUE.


Data type: DINT

Standard value = 161.

WRITE_FILE_NUMBER (number of current file written to)

Data type: DINT

Number of the current file written to (1…999).

WRITE_FILE_NAME (name of current file written to)

Data type: STRING

Name of the current file written to (e.g. file1…file999).

WRITE_FILE_LEVEL (level of current file written to)

Data type: DINT

Filling level of the file currently written to.

FILE_NEXTWRITE (next write position in current file written to)

Data type: DINT

Next write position in current file written to.

READ_FILE_NUMBER (number of current file)

Data type: DINT

Number of current file read from (1…999).

READ_FILE_NAME (name of current file)

Data type: STRING

Name of current file read from (for example file1…file999).

READ_FILE_LEVEL (level of current file)

Data type: DINT

Filling level of current file read from.

FILE_NEXTREAD (next read position in current file)

Data type: DINT

Next read position in current file read from.

FTP_FILE_NAME (name of current file written to)

Data type: STRING

Complete current path and name of the file which will be transferred to the folder FTP (e.g. “flashdisk\FTP\02141149.545”) in Mode 2 in the following cases:

  • file 1 is full
  • communication returns
  • per external trigger by setting the input MOVE_FILE

In Mode 3 the move is triggered only by setting input MOVE_FILE.

USED_FILES (currently used files)

Data type: DINT

Number of files written to.

DISK_NO_SPACE (disk no space)

Data type: BOOL

Data storage is full.

FILES_EMPTY (files empty)

Data type: BOOL

All files are empty.

FILES_FULL (files full)

Data type: BOOL

All files are full. No further datasets can be stored.

NUMBER_DIRECT_SENDS (number of direct sent datasets)

Data type: UDINT

Number of the current datasets sent to the control station side since EN=TRUE and coming from SRAM-FIFO (without storing in FILE-FIFO).

WRITETIME_DB_IN_FILE (current time to write one dataset in file)

Data type: UDINT

Current time for writing one dataset into the file. When this time is growing over time, this is a sign of a growing fragmentation of the disk. In Mode 0 and Mode 1 and “flashdisk”, the flash disk is defragmented automatically (FORMAT) as soon as all the historical data has been sent to the control station. In Mode 2 this may not happen as under circumstances files are stored in the FTP folder and have not been picked up by FTP yet.

In case of a SDcard as storage medium, a FORMAT is basically locked because otherwise it may cause incompatibility between PLC and PC. That means a SDcard defragmented via FORMAT in the PLC is possibly no longer readable on a PC.

READTIME_DB_FROM_FILE (current time to read one dataset from file)

Data type: UDINT

Current time for reading a dataset from the file. When this time is growing over time, this is a sign of a growing fragmentation of the disk. In Mode 0 and Mode 1 and “flashdisk,” the flash disk is defragmented automatically (FORMAT) as soon as all the historical data has been sent to the control station. In Mode 2 this may not happen as under circumstances files are stored in the FTP folder and have not been picked up by FTP yet.

In case of a SDcard as storage medium, a FORMAT is basically locked because otherwise it may cause incompatibility between PLC and PC. That means a SDcard defragmented via FORMAT in the PLC is possibly no longer readable on a PC.

MAXWRITETIME_DB_IN_FILE (max time to write one data block in file since EN)

Data type: UDINT

Maximum time needed until now to write one data block in the file. When this time is growing over time, this is a sign of a growing fragmentation of the disk. In Mode 0 and Mode 1 and “flashdisk,” the flash disk is defragmented automatically (FORMAT) as soon as all the historical data has been sent to the control station. In Mode 2 this may not happen as under circumstances files are stored in the FTP folder and have not been picked up by FTP yet.

In case of a SDcard as storage medium, a FORMAT is basically locked because otherwise it may cause incompatibility between PLC and PC. That means a SDcard defragmented via FORMAT in the PLC is possibly no longer readable on a PC.

MAXREADTIME_DB_FROM_FILE (max time to read one data block from file since EN)

Data type: UDINT

Maximum time needed until now to read one data block from the file. When this time is growing over time, this is a sign of a growing fragmentation of the disk. In Mode 0 and Mode 1 and “flashdisk,” the flash disk is defragmented automatically (FORMAT) as soon as all the historical data has been sent to the control station. In Mode 2 this may not happen as under circumstances files are stored in the FTP folder and have not been picked up by FTP yet.

In case of a SDcard as storage medium, a FORMAT is basically locked because otherwise it may cause incompatibility between PLC and PC. That means a SDcard defragmented via FORMAT in the PLC is possibly no longer readable on a PC.

POSSIBLE_SECUREREAD_DS (possible secure read datasets)

Data type: UDINT

Number of datasets delivered to SRAM-FIFOin (during the time indicated on input “SECURE_READ_TIME” in ms). In case of connection fault this number of past datasets in SRAM-FIFOin are taken additionally into account for writing to FILE-FIFO in order to avoid data losses caused by the delayed connection fault – recognition.

Integrated Visualization

