Input Description¶
The inputs marked with a triangle are of the class VAR_IN_OUT (input and output variable). These inputs must be connected to a variable.
EN (enable)
Data type: BOOL
The Function Block is activated by a TRUE at the input EN. A FALSE keeps the Function Block deactivated. Is the Function Block activated, the values being present at the inputs are processed and the output values are delivered.
CONNECTED (connected)
Data type: BOOL
Input signal, if the connection with the receiving/control station is established.
It is irrelevant in FTP Mode (Mode 3) because in FTP Mode no data is send by the Function Block to the control station.
BREAK_CONNECT (break connect)
Data type: BOOL
For testing purposes. TRUE indicates to the Function Block that the connection to the other station is interrupted.
It is irrelevant in FTP Mode (Mode 3) because in FTP Mode no data is send by the Function Block to the control station.
EXT_POWER (external power)
Data type: BOOL
External power/opener. FALSE: the Function Block completes the last write and read actions, closes all open files and goes to an idle-state. This is signaled at the DONE output. On the output STATE the text „zLOG_NO_EXTERNAL_POWER“ is given out.
RESET (reset)
Data type: BOOL
Complete reset of all data fields, historical data and actual status of the Function Block. During this action the output STATE shows the text „zLOG_RESET_ACTIVE“. The end of this action is signaled on the output DONE.
QUIT (quit)
Data type: BOOL
The input will acknowledge at an 0/1 edge the error message of the Function Block, if the message is not active anymore.
Data type: BOOL
At an 0/1 edge the input formats the drive given on DISK1. During this action the output STATE shows the text „zLOG_DISK1_FORMAT_ACTIVE“. The end of this action is signaled on the output DONE. On the output STATE the text „zLOG_DISK_HAS_BEEN_FORMATTED“ is shown.
Data type: BOOL
At an 0/1 edge the input formats the drive given on DISK2. During this action the output STATE shows the text „zLOG_DISK2_FORMAT_ACTIVE“. The end of this action is signaled on the output DONE. On the output STATE the text „zLOG_DISK_HAS_BEEN_FORMATTED“ is shown.
MOVE_FILE (move file)
Data type: BOOL
Only active in Mode 2 and Mode 3. At an 0/1 edge the input closes and moves the file (Mode 2) or multiple files (Mode 3) currently written on primary DISK1 into the folder FTP of the secondary DISK2 (both DISKs can be identical). The folder FTP is created automatically. The files are renamed.
After read-out via FTP client the moved and renamed files can be deleted on the FTP server by the user. During the action the output STATE shows the text „zLOG_MOVE_ACTIVE“. The end of this action is signaled on the output DONE.
Data type: STRING
Name of the primary drive (“flashdisk” or “sdcard”) which is used for File FIFO buffer. DISK1 and DISK2 can be identical. Internally the primary drive is used with “file1…file999…” (Mode 0/1/3) or with “file1” (Mode 2) which the Function Block automatically creates and deletes.
Data type: STRING
Name of the secondary drive (“flashdisk” or “sdcard”) which is used for File FIFO FTP Server. DISK1 and DISK2 can be identical.
Data type: BOOL
Extention-Switch for the naming of the files to be moved to the FTP folder. The files stored in the FTP folder are renamed with a name representing a timestamp, in order to clearly be able to see the timely order when reading or processing the files.
Possible are:
:strong:Accidentially overwritten files
When DISK2_EXTENSION = TRUE and the creation time between two files is too short to be visible in the name (< 1 minute), the first file is overwritten.
MODE (mode)
Data type: BYTE
- Mode 0 Datalogging Library
- Mode 1 Datalogging Library
- Mode 2 Datalogging Library
- Mode 3 Datalogging Library
RELEASE_HISTORY (release historical data transfer)
Data type: BOOL
External release for reading out the saved data from storage. This input is necessary when using IEC60870 logging. After communication is established again, the input keeps historical data back until control station sends a general interogation to get the current status. If this function is not needed, input=TRUE.
SECURE_READ_TIME (secure read time in ms)
Data type: DINT
Estimation of time (in ms) which passes after the failure of a connection until this failure is detected and the output CONNECT changes to FALSE. Under circumstances a communication failure can only be detected after a longer time without data transfer. Therefore in normal operation a measurement should be done for getting the average number of datasets arriving to the SRAM-FIFOin by SECURE_READ_TIME. In case of Connection fault this amount of datasets in the SRAM-FIFOin is taken from past and additionally stored into the FILE-FIFO, in order to avoid data losses by the delayed Connection fault recognition. At “0” no SecureRead is done.
MAX_DS_IN_FILE (max number of datasets in one file)
Data type: DINT
After reaching this limit the file is closed and a new file is opened. The configurable upper limit is 65535. An error is created if the input value is higher. A change of this value after start of the Datalogger is not allowed and will lead to faults in Mode 0 and Mode 1 when reading back values.
MAX_NUMBER_FILES (max number of files)
Data type: DINT
After reaching this limit no further datasets can be stored. If further datasets are arriving OV is signaled. The adjustable limit is 999. An error will be created if the input value is higher. A change of this value after start of the Datalogger is not allowed and will lead to faults in Mode 0 and Mode 1 when reading back values. An exception is Mode 3, no values are read back and therefore a change in operation is allowed, e.g. to obtain flexible timing.