Visualization Faceplate for the Function Block PUMP_LEVEL_CTRL.

Colors of the variables
Color Meaning
white Actual FALSE and should be FALSE in normal operation
green Actual TRUE and should be TRUE in normal operation
yellow Actual FALSE but should be TRUE in normal operation
red Actual TRUE but should be FALSE in normal operation
Visualization parameters
Variable element Access Way of access Description (all elements refer to the Function Block instance, replaced for the placeholder $FB$)
EN R/W Toggle To enable the Function Block with the true value.
START R/W Toggle To start the level control functionality.
MODE R/W Numpad – value 1 to 2 To select the mode of operation. 1 = emptying, 2= filling.
STOP_MODE R/W Numpad – value 0 to 1 Defines the stop mode stage stop. stops the pump at individual defined start stop levels. 1, common stop. stops all the pump as common stop at defined STOP_LEVEL.
LOW_LEVEL R/W Numpad- value 0.0 to 100.0 Defines the low level in terms of % of full tank capacity.
LOW_SWITCH R/W Toggle Digital input with TRUE indicates that the low level has reached.
STOP_LEVEL R/W Numpad- value 0.0 to 100.0 Defines the stop level in terms of % of full tank capacity.
START_LEVEL_1 R/W Numpad- value 0.0 to 100.0 Defines the start level for pump 1 in terms of % of full tank capacity.
START_LEVEL_2 R/W Numpad- value 0.0 to 100.0 Defines the start level for pump 2 in terms of % of full tank capacity.
START_LEVEL_3 R/W Numpad- value 0.0 to 100.0 Defines the start level for pump 3 in terms of % of full tank capacity.
START_STOP_DELAY R/W Numpad- value 0 onwards Defines the time delay for pump to start and stop when respective level is reached.
HIGH_LEVEL R/W Numpad- value 0.0 to 100.0 Defines the high level in terms of % of full tank capacity.
HIGH_SWITCH R/W Toggle Digital input with TRUE indicates that the high level has reached.
ACT_LEVEL R/W Numpad- value 0.0 to 100.0 Actual level in % - read from the analog input of level sensor.
NORMAL_SPEED_1 R/W Numpad- value 0 onwards Normal operating speed of the pump1 while Filling/Emptying.
NORMAL_SPEED_2 R/W Numpad- value 0 onwards Normal operating speed of the pump2 while Filling/Emptying.
NORMAL_SPEED_3 R/W Numpad- value 0 onwards Normal operating speed of the pump3 while Filling/Emptying.
HIGH_SPEED_1 R/W Numpad- value 0 onwards Defines the speed of the pump1 for : - Filling- pump level falls below LOW_LEVEL/ Emptying - pump level rises above the HIGH_LEVEL.
HIGH_SPEED_2 R/W Numpad- value 0 onwards Defines the speed of the pump2 for : - Filling- pump level falls below LOW_LEVEL/ Emptying – pump3 level rises above the HIGH_LEVEL.
HIGH_SPEED_3 R/W Numpad- value 0 onwards Defines the speed of the pump for : - Filling- pump level falls below LOW_LEVEL/ Emptying - pump level rises above the HIGH_LEVEL.
RAND_COEF R/W Numpad – value -10.0 to + 10.0 Random coefficient randomizes the start levels to avoid cake formation. Value between -10.0 to 10.0. Value 1.0 means 1.0%.
DONE R   Execution finished when output DONE = TRUE.
ERR R   Error occurred during execution when output ERR = TRUE.
ENO R   Error code.
HIGH_LEVEL_REACHED R   TRUE value indicates that the actual level is more than the high level.
LOW_LEVEL_REACHED R   TRUE value indicates that the actual level is below the low level.