Visualization Faceplate for the Function Block PUMP_ ENERGY_CALC.

Colors of the variables
Color Meaning
white Actual FALSE and should be FALSE in normal operation
green Actual TRUE and should be TRUE in normal operation
yellow Actual FALSE but should be TRUE in normal operation
red Actual TRUE but should be FALSE in normal operation
Visualization parameters
Variable element Access Way of access Description (all elements refer to the Function Block instance, replaced for the placeholder $FB$)
EN R/W Toggle To enable the Function Block with the true value.
TARIFF R/W Numpad- value 0 onwards Per kwhr tariff rate.
CO2_CONVERSION R/W Numpad- value 0 onwards Factor which helps in converting the energy consumed in terms of CO2 emission tn/Mwh.
MONITOR_DURATION R/W Numpad- value 0 onwards Time duration in minutes to monitor the energy consumption.
START_ENERGY_CALC R/W Toggle To enable energy calculation.
RESET_TOTAL_ENERGY R/W Toggle Resets total energy value.
PUMP1_ACT_FLOW R Numpad- value 0 onwards Calculated Actual flow of PUMP1 in m:sup:3/hr.
PUMP2_ACT_FLOW R Numpad- value 0 onwards Calculated Actual flow of PUMP2 in m:sup:3/hr.
PUMP3_ACT_FLOW R Numpad- value 0 onwards Calculated Actual flow of PUMP3 in m:sup:3/hr.
RESET_TOTAL_VOLUME R/W Toggle Reset Total volume.
PUMP1_DOL_POWER R/W Numpad- value 0 onwards Pump1 Direct On Line power, if directly connected to the motor in kW.
PUMP2_DOL_POWER R/W Numpad- value 0 onwards Pump2 Direct On Line power, if directly connected to the motor in kW.
PUMP3_DOL_POWER R/W Numpad- value 0 onwards Pump3 Direct On Line power, if directly connected to the motor in kW.
PUMP1_ACT_POWER R/W Numpad- value 0 onwards Pump1 Actual power in kW.
PUMP2_ACT_POWER R/W Numpad- value 0 onwards Pump2 Actual power in kW.
PUMP3_ACT_POWER R Numpad- value 0 onwards Pump3 Actual power in kW.
PUMP1_MOTOR_EFF R/W Numpad- value 0 to 1.0 Pump1 motor combined efficiency.
PUMP1_MOTOR_EFF R/W Numpad- value 0 to 1.0 Pump2 motor combined efficiency.
PUMP1_MOTOR_EFF R/W Numpad- value 0 to 1.0 Pump3 motor combined efficiency.
DONE R   Execution finished when output DONE = TRUE.
ERR R   Error occurred during execution when output ERR = TRUE.
ENO R   Error code.
ENERGY_SAVED R   Stores the energy saved. Difference of the energy consumed by pump with drive and the energy consumed if the pump was connected to the DOL motor.
MONEY_SAVED R   Saving in terms of money.
CO2_REDUCTION R   Reduction in terms of carbon dioxide emissions.
ENERGY_CONSUMED R   Stores the energy consumed in the monitoring duration.
EFF_INSTANT R   Instant flow vs power efficiency of the station.
EFF_HOUR R   Hourly flow vs power efficiency of the station.
EFF_DAY R   Daily flow vs power efficiency of the station.
TOTAL_VOLUME R   Total volume which is calculated using flow of all the pumps.
TOTAL_ENERGY     Total actual energy which is calculated using actual power of all the pumps.