Visualization Faceplate for the Function Block PUMP_PROTECTION.
Color | Meaning |
white | Actual FALSE and should be FALSE in normal operation |
green | Actual TRUE and should be TRUE in normal operation |
yellow | Actual FALSE but should be TRUE in normal operation |
red | Actual TRUE but should be FALSE in normal operation |
Variable element | Access | Way of access | Description (all elements refer to the Function Block instance, replaced for the placeholder $FB$) |
EN | R/W | Toggle | To enable the Function Block with the true value. |
PUMP_ID | R/W | Numpad- value 1 to 3 | ID of the pump for which the Function Block is to be called. |
INLET_CTRL | R/W | Numpad – value 0 to 3 | To enable control for primary protection against low inlet pressure: 0 = disabled, 1 = alarm, 2 = Fault, 3 = reduced speed. |
PRESSURE_LOW_LIMIT | R/W | Numpad – value 0.0 to 100.0 | Low pressure level limit for primary protection. |
PRESSURE_VERY_LOW_CTRL | R/W | Numpad – value 0 to 2 | To enable control for secondary protection against very low inlet pressure: 0 = disabled, 1 = fault, 2 = stop. |
PRESSURE_VERY_LOW_LIMIT | R/W | Numpad – value 0.0 to 100.0 | Very low pressure level limit for secondary protection. |
INLET_CTRL_DELAY | R/W | Numpad – value 0 onwards | Delay in seconds for primary and secondary supervision to start. 0-600 s. |
INLET_FORCED_REF | R/W | Numpad – value 0 onwards | Safe speed reference for the drive when the INLET_CTRL = 3 i.e. reduced speed mode. |
OUTLET_CTRL | R/W | Numpad – value 0 to 3 | To enable control for primary protection against high outlet pressure: 0 = disabled, 1 = alarm, 2 = fault, 3 = reduced speed. |
PRESSURE_HIGH_LIMIT | R/W | Numpad – value 0.0 to 100.0 | High pressure level limit for primary protection. |
PRESSURE_VERY_HIGH_CTRL | R/W | Numpad – value 0 to 2 | To enable control for secondary protection against very high outlet pressure: 0 = disabled, 1 = fault, 2 = stop. |
PRESSURE_VERY_HIGH_LIMIT | R/W | Numpad – value 0.0 to 100.0 | Very high pressure level limit at for secondary protection. |
OUTLET_CTRL_DELAY | R/W | Numpad – value 0 onwards | Delay in seconds for primary and secondary supervision to start. |
OUTLET_FORCED_REF | R/W | Numpad – value 0 onwards | Safe speed reference for the drive when the OUTLET_CTRL = 3 i.e. reduced speed mode. |
FLOW_MAX_CTRL | R/W | Numpad – value 0 to 2 | To enable control for protection against maximum flow condition: 0 – Disabled, 1 – Alarms, 2 – fault. |
FLOW_MAX_LIMIT | R/W | Numpad – value 0 to 32767 | Value of max flow rate limit in m:sup:3/h. |
FLOW_MIN_CTRL | R/W | Numpad – value 0 to 2 | To enable control for protection against minimum flow condition: 0 – Disabled, 1 – Alarms, 2 – fault. |
FLOW_MIN_LIMIT | R/W | Numpad – value 0 to 32767 | Value of min flow rate limit in m:sup:3/h. |
FLOW_CTRL_DELAY | R/W | Numpad – value 0 onwards | Delay in seconds before executing the control due to low or high flow rates. |
FLOW_CHECK_DELAY | R/W | Numpad – value 0 onwards | Delay in seconds after the start of the pump before monitoring the flow rates. |
PROFILE_CTRL | R/W | Numpad – value 0 to 2 | 0 – profile protection disabled. 1 – PID deviation, generates alarm , PROFILE HIGH, if PID deviation exceeds PROFILE_LIMIT. 2 – PID output, generates alarm , PROFILE HIGH, if PID output exceeds PROFILE_LIMIT. |
PROFILE_LIMIT | R/W | Numpad – value 0 to 32767 | Value of profile protection limit. |
PROFILE_CTRL_DELAY | R/W | Numpad – value 0 onwards | Time delay in seconds before the Profile Ctrl activates. |
PRESSURE_ACT | R/W | Numpad – value 0.0 to 100.0 | Actual pressure of the system. |
FLOW_ACT | R/W | Numpad – value 0.0 to 100.0 | Actual flow of the pump. |
PID_DEVIATION | R/W | Numpad – value 0.0 to 100.0 | PID deviation generated by PUMP_PID Function Block. |
PID_OUT | R/W | Numpad – value 0.0 to 100.0 | PID ouput generated by PUMP_PID Function Block. |
DONE | R | Execution finished when output DONE = TRUE. | |
ERR | R | Error occurred during execution when output ERR = TRUE. | |
ENO | R | Error code. |