Input DescriptionΒΆ


EN   BOOL \   (enable)

The block is activated (EN = TRUE) or reset (EN = FALSE) via input EN. If the block is active and the values at its block inputs are valid, the protocol layer will transmit all values as with a general interrogation.

CON   IEC60870_5_104_Connection \    (connection)

At input CON the corresponding connection is set to gather information.

The data type of the type IEC60870_5_104_Connection corresponds to the defined Control-/Substation name in Automation_Builder, see Configuration of Control and Substations: Control Station and Substation Configuration

After the declaration in Automation_Builder the data type is available at the global variables constants list.


This input value denotes a wait time between sending each information object. This allows overcoming any congestion on either the link or the opposite station. The time is given in ms.