

Function Block MC_MoveVelocity

General Information
Available as of PLC runtime system V2.2
Included in library MC_Block_AC500_V11.lib
Type Function Block with historical values

This Function Block commands a never ending controlled motion at a specified velocity.


  • To stop the motion, the Function Block has to be interrupted by another Function Block issuing a new command.
  • The signal “InVelocity” has to be reset when the block is aborted by another block or at the falling edge of “Execute”.
  • In combination with MC_MoveSuperimposed, the output “”nVelocity” stays TRUE once the velocity setpoint of the axis has reached the commanded velocity.

See the following chapter to check if this Function Block is supported by the used axis implementation: Overview

For this Function Block there is a visualization in the Library MC_Blocks_AC500_V11.

See the following chapter for a list of available data types: Overview

Examples of the combination of two Function Blocks MC_MoveVelocity

The left part of timing diagram illustrates the case if the second Function Block is called after the first one is completed. If first reaches the commanded velocity 3000 then the output First.InVelocity AND the signal Next causes the second Function Block to move to the velocity 2000.

The right part of the timing diagram illustrates the case if the second Function Block starts the execution while the first Function Block is not yet InVelocity. The following sequence is shown: The first motion is started again by Go at the input First.Execute. While the first Function Block is still accelerating to reach the velocity 3000 the first Function Block will be interrupted and aborted because the test signal starts the Run of the second Function Block. Now the second Function Block runs and decelerates the velocity to 2000.


MC_MoveVelocity timing diagram

Using this Function Block with FM562

Input Jerk: 1 = jerk on, 2 = jerk off

Input Direction: Enum type: 0 = DEFAULT, 1 = POSITIVE, 3 = NEGATIVE

Input BufferMode: Not implemented