Command ‘Find’

Symbol 1a6c8fe1a8c54f84c0a8640e01eb30dd_332b4c79a8d31346c0a8640e00d8553b ; keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+F

Function: This command scans the project or parts of it for a specified character string.

Call: Menu bar: Edit ‣ Find Replace

This command opens the Find dialog where the searched character string is specified and the search options are defined.

Dialog ‘Find’

Find what Character string to be searched.
Match case: 1a6c8fe1a8c54f84c0a8640e01eb30dd_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The search considers uppercase and lowercase.
Match whole word: 1a6c8fe1a8c54f84c0a8640e01eb30dd_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Only character strings are found that exact matches.
Search up:

1a6c8fe1a8c54f84c0a8640e01eb30dd_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The specified search range runs upwards.

1a6c8fe1a8c54f84c0a8640e01eb30dd_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : The specified search range runs downwards.

Use regular expressions: Use the 1a6c8fe1a8c54f84c0a8640e01eb30dd_afb48cf21e8d7d28c0a8640e01947982 button to receive support when specifying regular expressions.

Drop-down list with the areas of the project to be searched:

  • Entire project
  • Active editor
  • All open editors
  • Selected objects & subobjects
  • Entire project
  • Entire project & uncompiled libraries
  • Selection only

1a6c8fe1a8c54f84c0a8640e01eb30dd_67885e721e8d7dacc0a8640e01947982 : Opens a dialog where you set the areas of the project to be searched (see below)

Find next Start the search
Find all

All search results are listed in the message view with their object path, project name, object name, and object position. Possible additional information for position: (Decl) = Declaration part of the object; (Impl) = Implementation part of the object

Double-clicking the entry in the list opens the match position in the respective object editor.

Replace Switches to the Replace dialog

Dialog for setting the objects to be searched

Entire project All editable positions in all objects of the project are searched.
Entire project and all uncompiled libraries All editable positions in all objects of the project, including integrated uncompiled libraries, are searched.
Within the following objects Only the editable positions within the objects defined here are searched:
  • Scheme: The Save command saves the current search configuration by the specified name. All saved schemes are available in the drop-down list ( 1a6c8fe1a8c54f84c0a8640e01eb30dd_d1184cbe1e8d8342c0a8640e01947982 ).

  • Object types: 1a6c8fe1a8c54f84c0a8640e01eb30dd_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The object is searched.

  • Name filter: Name filter for the searched objects. The placeholder “*” can be used.

    Example: Filter “*CAN*”: All objects are searched that have “CAN” in the name.

All open editors All editors are searched that are currently open in a window.
Active editor Only the editor is searched where the cursor currently is.
Selection only Only the text is searched that is currently selected in an object.

See also