Standard Commands

CODESYS provides the following standard commands:

  • Undo: ea93ddf566393c89c0a8640e01396e98_b8b87d0970e7a169c0a8640e0128c80c , shortcut: Ctrl + Z
  • Redo: ea93ddf566393c89c0a8640e01396e98_cd70380b70e79e06c0a8640e01bf7c16 , shortcut: Ctrl + Y
  • Cut: ea93ddf566393c89c0a8640e01396e98_56af5bc470e795a1c0a8640e01ad63d7 , shortcut: Ctrl + X
  • Copy: ea93ddf566393c89c0a8640e01396e98_aafe159270e793bbc0a8640e000ea969 , shortcut: Ctrl + C
  • Paste: ea93ddf566393c89c0a8640e01396e98_8d308a3a70e79ab4c0a8640e015f3a67 , shortcut: Ctrl + V
  • Delete: ea93ddf566393c89c0a8640e01396e98_a0f52ff470e7975fc0a8640e0012df4e , shortcut: Ctrl
  • Select all: shortcut: Ctrl + Ctrl

Not all editors support the Insert command. In some editors it can be used with limitations. Graphical editors only support the command if the pasted elements will create a valid construct.

In object trees like POUs or device view the command refers to the currently selected object. Multi selection is possible.