Command ‘Edit Declaration Header’

Function: The command opens the dialog Edit Declaration Header, which serves in the declaration editor for the configuration of a POU header.

Call: Context menu of the tabular declaration editor

Requirements: The tabular declaration editor is the active editor.

See also

Dialog ‘Edit Declaration Header’

Function: The dialog is for configuring the declaration part of a POU.

Call: Click on the header bar of the tabular declaration editor, or context menu in the tabular declaration editor.


Selection list for changing the POU type



    • EXTENDS:

      Input field for a basic function block

    • IMPLEMENTS: Input field for an interface


    • Return type

Input field with current POU name: you can change the name of the POU

Automatically adapt all references on rename

1be8f1f656b67481c0a8640e01948269_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Dialog box Refactoring opens.

1be8f1f656b67481c0a8640e01948269_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : Renaming is only effective in the declaration header of the POU.

Attributes The dialog box Attribute opens for the input of attributes and pragmas.

See also