Command ‘Input Assistant’

Symbol: 3ac201b561ba225dc0a8640e00215c1f_e400b4421e8de8e4c0a8640e01947982 , keyboard shortcut: F2

Function: This command opens the Input Assistant dialog box, guiding you in inserting a program element valid at the current cursor position.

Call: Main menu Edit, context menu

Requirement: A POU is open in the editor and the cursor is in a program line.

See also

‘Input Assistant’ dialog, ‘Categories’ tab

This dialog box provides all program elements that you can insert at the current cursor position.

The elements are sorted into Categories. In the Variables category, you can also set a Filter for the variable type, such as Local variables, Global variables, or Constants.

Structured view

3ac201b561ba225dc0a8640e00215c1f_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The elements are displayed in a structure tree. You can show/hide the Type, Address, and Origin columns by right-clicking the column title and selecting/clearing the column name in the dropdown list.

3ac201b561ba225dc0a8640e00215c1f_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : The elements are displayed in a flat structure.

Show Documentation 3ac201b561ba225dc0a8640e00215c1f_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : CODESYS extends the Documentation dialog box field.
Insert with arguments

3ac201b561ba225dc0a8640e00215c1f_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : If elements include arguments (functions, for example), then CODESYS also inserts with these arguments at the cursor position.

For example, if you “Insert with arguments” the fb1 function block, which includes an fb1_in input variable and an fb1_out output variable, then it appears in the editor as follows: fb1(fb1_in:= , fb1_out=> )

Insert with namespace prefix 3ac201b561ba225dc0a8640e00215c1f_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : CODESYS inserts the selected element with the appended namespace. In the case of library modules, the check box remains cleared when the requirement for a namespace has been defined in the library properties.


If you create objects with the same name in the same category, whether globally (POUs view) or assigned to an application (Devices view), then only one entry appears in the input assistant because the use of the regular call priority applies (application assignment before global).

See also

‘Input Assistant’ dialog, ‘Text search’ tab

This tab allows you to search for specific objects. When you begin typing a search string into the search field, the names of all objects are listed whose names include the search string. Double-click an object to insert it at the current cursor position in the editor.

Filter Limits the search to a specific variable category