CFC Element ‘Connection Mark - Source/Sink’

Symbol: 512015ff0cb30669c0a8640e01c24155_ef93eac06e92b6fdc0a8640e0143936f , 512015ff0cb30669c0a8640e01c24155_fdb0e3d56e93c5a5c0a8640e01807017

You can use connection marks instead of a connecting line between elements. That helps you to display complex diagrams more clearly.

For a valid connection you must connect an element Connection Mark - Source with the output of an element and an element Connection Mark - Sink with the input of another element. Both marks must bear the same name. The names are not case-sensitive.

Notes on naming

  • The standard name for connection marks is C-<nr>. <nr> is a sequential number starting with 1.
  • You can rename the standard name. In doing so, you must make sure that the connection mark - source and connection mark - sink have the same name.
  • If you change the name of the connection mark - source, the destination name is automatically renamed.
  • If you change the name of the connection mark - sink, the source name is retained.


Observe the command Connection Mark for the automatic transformation of an existing connection.

See also