Configuring Trend Recording

You can configure a database on the runtime system and the data buffering.

Assigning tasks

In this task, the runtime system records the trend.


In general, trend recording runs in the same task as the main program (for example, PLC_PRG).

  1. Double-click a TrendRecording object in the device tree.

    The respective editor opens. In the tree view of the trend configuration, the top entry is selected, and on the right you see the current configuration in Record Settings.

  2. Click the “down” symbol ( 54703dc577e8636bc0a8640e0058f81a_379d3b8945773148c0a8640e0139d9cb ) in the Task drop-down list.

    The drop-down list opens with all tasks that are available across the application.

  3. Select a task for trend recording.

See also

Adding IEC Variables


The number of variables is limited for trend recording. You can change this number in the Trend Storage dialog box.

  1. Double-click a TrendRecording object in the device tree.

    The respective editor opens. In the tree view of the trend configuration, the top entry is selected, and on the right you see the current configuration in Record Settings.

  2. Right-click an entry in the tree view.

  3. Click Add Variable.

    CODESYS adds another variables. The blank settings open in the Variable Settings to the right of the tree view.

  4. Select a valid IEC variable from the Variable field.

    The IEC variable is configured for trend recording.

  5. Configure how the variable is displayed in the trend diagram.

  6. Configure how the alert color is displayed in the trend diagram.

See also

Removing variables from the configuration

  1. Double-click a TrendRecording object in the device tree.

  2. Click a variable in the tree view of the configuration.

  3. Click Delete variable or press Del.

Starting conditional trend recording

You can configure conditional trend recording for execution. Configuration is not possible when depending on triggering. For that you need a Trace object.

  1. Double-click a TrendRecording object in the device tree.

  2. Click the top node in the tree view of the trend configuration.

    The name of the trend configuration is selected and on the right you see the current configuration in Record Settings.

  3. Assign a Boolean variable, an access to a bit, or a property to the Record condition field.

    When the application is in runtime mode, data is recorded only if the value is TRUE.

See also

Adding parameters

  1. Double-click a TrendRecording object in the device tree.

    The respective editor opens. In the tree view of the trend configuration, the top entry is selected, and on the right you see the current configuration in Record Settings.

  2. Right-click an entry in the tree view.

  3. Click Add Variable.

    CODESYS inserts a new variable. The blank settings open in the Variable Settings to the right of the tree view.

  4. Click the “down” symbol ( 54703dc577e8636bc0a8640e0058f81a_379d3b8945773148c0a8640e0139d9cb ) to the right of the Variable label.

  5. Select Parameter from the drop-down list.

  6. Click the “more” button ( 54703dc577e8636bc0a8640e0058f81a_2be833ef7deb1e6ec0a8640e0056e76c ) and select a parameter from the Input Assistant dialog box.

  7. Configure how the parameter is displayed in the trend diagram.

  8. Configure how the alert color is displayed in the trend diagram.

See also

Configuring data buffering on the runtime system

  1. Double-click a TrendRecording object in the device tree.

    The respective editor opens. In the tree view of the trend configuration, the top entry is selected, and on the right you see the current configuration in Record Settings.

  2. Click Trend Storage.

    The Trend Storage dialog box opens.

  3. Now you can change the settings.

See also

Configuring additional buffering

  1. Double-click a TrendRecording object in the device tree.

    The respective editor opens. In the tree view of the trend configuration, the top entry is selected, and on the right you see the current configuration in Record Settings.

  2. Click Advanced.

    The Advanced Trace Settings dialog box opens.

  3. Now you can change the settings.

See also

See also