Object ‘Trend Recording’

Symbol: a6cb194377e85deac0a8640e0046ea72_147dafb91b022284c0a8640e01f081a8

A TrendRecording object is always located below a Trend Recording Manager and enables editing of the trace configuration. At runtime, CODESYS loads the configuration that is available to the CmpTraceMgr runtime system component. You can configure an application with any number of trend recordings.

The editor includes the configuration for trend recording. The tree view shows the trend configuration and enables navigation there.

The top entry contains the trend name. When this entry is selected, the Record Settings group appears in the adjacent view. An entry is located here for each variable that data was recorded continuously. When a variable is selected, the Variable Settings group appears in the adjacent view.

Add variable When you click the link, a new entry appears in the trend configuration with its blank configuration below the Variable Settings group.
Delete variable The selected variable is removed. Requirement: A variable is selected.

See also

‘Record Settings’

The data is recorded in the runtime system component using the function that is also used for trace. The settings that appear here are the same. The options that are not required here are deactivated.

The settings that affect the trigger are deactivated. Only a trace configuration for a trace editor can configure triggering.
Task Task where data was recorded. Click the “down” symbol ( a6cb194377e85deac0a8640e0046ea72_379d3b8945773148c0a8640e0139d9cb ) to open a drop-down list with all tasks available in the project. In general, trend recording runs in the same task as the main program (for example, MainTask).
Record condition

Recording condition for which the application records data:

  • As IEC variable of type INT The condition is fulfilled for TRUE.

  • As bit access to an integer variable. The condition is fulfilled for 1.

    As read access to a property.

The contents of a pointer are not permitted.

Comment Comment (example: Data recording of sensor A)

Resolution that the application saves the time stamp.

Please note: If the task where the trend object is executed has a cycle time of 1 ms or less, then you should set the resolution of the time stamp to 1 µs.

Trend Storage The Trend Storage dialog box opens.
Advanced The Advanced Trend Settings dialog box opens.

See also

‘Variable settings’


Variable for recorded value.

  • IEC variable with valid type.
  • Property
  • Reference
  • Contents of the pointer
  • Array element based on a valid data type
  • Enumeration based on a valid data type

Valid data types are all standard types, except STRING, WSTRING, and ARRAY.


Parameter for recorded value.

The Input Assistant dialog box lists all valid system parameters in the Parameters category of the Categories tab.

a6cb194377e85deac0a8640e0046ea72_bb538c981fd94d95c0a8640e01f3846b Click the symbol to toggle between Variable and Parameter.
Attached axis

Y-axis of the trend diagram that displays the Variable. The drop-down list provides the standard y-axis and the configured y-axes.

Requirement: This option is visible only when the Trend visualization element has configured additional y-axes in the Edit Display Settings dialog box.

Display variable name

a6cb194377e85deac0a8640e0046ea72_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The visualization shows the name of the IEC variable in the trace diagram at runtime, either alone or in parentheses after the Description.

a6cb194377e85deac0a8640e0046ea72_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : The name of the IEC variable is shown and does not appear in parentheses after the Description.

Requirement: If any text is typed in Description, then you can disable the option.


Text for the tooltip (example: Sensor A) When a visualization user focuses on the variable in the trend diagram, the visualization shows the tooltip. The text is typed into the GlobalTextList object and can be localized there.

When the Show Variable Name property is activated, then the text is supplemented with the variable name in parentheses. Example: Sensor A (PLC_PRG.iSensor_A).

If Description does not contain any text, then Display Variable Name is enabled. The name is then alone without parentheses (for example, PLC_PRG.iSensor_A).

If a legend is assigned to the trend, then the trend variable is labeled in the legend and shown like the trend is configured here.

Color Color of the variable in the trend diagram
Lines style

Display as line chart

  • Line: Values are linked to form a line.
  • Step: Values are linked in the form of steps.
  • None: Values are not linked.
Line width

Value in pixels,

Example: 1

Line style The display of the line is solid, dash, dot, dash-dot, or dash-dot-dot.
Point type

Display as scatter chart

  • Dot Value as point
  • Cross: Value as cross
  • None: No dots

Tip: Select None for larger size data.

Activate minimum warning a6cb194377e85deac0a8640e0046ea72_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Warning when below the lower limit.
Critical lower limit If the variable value is below the limit, then the variables are displayed with the alert color in the trend diagram.
Color Alert color when below the limit.
Warning color for maximum a6cb194377e85deac0a8640e0046ea72_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Warning when above the upper limit.
Critical upper limit If the variable value is above the limit, then the variables are displayed with the alert color in the trend diagram.
Color Alert color when above the limit.

See also

See also