Tab ‘Log’

You can view the PLC log in this tab of the generic device editor. It lists the events that were recorded on the target system. This concerns:

  • Events during the startup and shutdown of the system (components loaded, with version)
  • Application download and loading of the boot application
  • Custom entries
  • Log entries of I/O drivers
  • Log entries of the data server


The Log tab also opens when you click Open log page. You can configure this as a menu command in the Customize dialog box.

Offline recording

68bf9b2ecf319b7fc0a8640e002b49b6_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : Standard setting

68bf9b2ecf319b7fc0a8640e002b49b6_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The PLC also records actions that are not related to the connection with the controller. However, this is presently implemented only for the safety version of CODESYS.

UTC time

68bf9b2ecf319b7fc0a8640e002b49b6_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : Standard setting; the time stamp is converted to the local time on the computer as indicated by the time zone of the operating system.

68bf9b2ecf319b7fc0a8640e002b49b6_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The time stamp of the runtime system is displayed.


There are four categories for the severity of the event:

  • 68bf9b2ecf319b7fc0a8640e002b49b6_0b05a60ecf4d4947c0a8640e005ffc38 : information
  • 68bf9b2ecf319b7fc0a8640e002b49b6_496194c3cf4dbbd4c0a8640e01f4a7de : Warning
  • 68bf9b2ecf319b7fc0a8640e002b49b6_2e85a840cf4c8070c0a8640e01c0004b : Error
  • 68bf9b2ecf319b7fc0a8640e002b49b6_73b07dfa2eb3af14c0a8640e0079ec8f : Debug

You can show or hide each category with the help of the corresponding button in the bar above the list. Each button shows the number of log entries of the category concerned.

Time stamp Date and time (example: 12-01-2007 09:48)
Description Description of the event, e.g.: Import function failed of
Component Name of the runtime system component concerned, e.g. CmpApp
Selection list with component names The log list displays only events that concern the selected component
Logger Selection list with all available recordings. The standard setting is the <Default Logger> specified by the target system, at present identical to ‘PlcLog’ for the CODESYS runtime system
../_images/c7b88a40cf002a4bc0a8640e01d5317e Refreshes the log list
../_images/ede1b4f8cf45f799c0a8640e010b6883 Exports the list contents to an xml file. You can select the file name and storage directory.
../_images/161bfb22cf455491c0a8640e00639b3d Imports a log list from an xml file. The list is then displayed in a separate window.
../_images/446444f5ceff79b7c0a8640e01fa4be0 The displayed log list is emptied, i.e. all entries are deleted.


Note for error checking: For exceptions with the description \*SOURCEPOSITION\*, the affected function opens in the editor by double-clicking it or from the Display source code in editor command in the context menu. The cursor jumps to the line that is causing the error. You can also perform this diagnosis when you have the CODESYS project archive, including the download information files and the exported log file. If the affected function is protected, then the following message appears: “The source code is not available for <function name>”.

See also