Objects in CODESYS provide special functionalities to create applications. Examples: Application, program, function, Library Manager, devices, image pool. Objects are managed in tree structures in the views Devices, POUs and Modules.
You can add an object to the belonging “tree” by use of the command
. The possible insert positions depends on the position within the tree.Each object provides properties, which can be viewed and accessed with the command from the context menu of the object.
See also
- Object ‘Application’
- Object ‘Device application’
- Object ‘POU Locations’
- Object ‘Persistent variable configuration’
- Object ‘Alarm configuration’
- Object ‘Alarm class’
- Object ‘Alarm group’
- Object ‘Alarm storage’
- Object ‘DUT’
- Object ‘External File’
- Object ‘C Code Module’
- Object ‘C Code File’
- Object ‘C Implemented Library’
- Object ‘Device’ and Generic Device Editor
- Generic Device Editor
- Tab ‘Communication’
- Tab ‘General’
- Tab ‘Applications’
- Tab ‘Backup and Restore’
- Tab ‘Synchronized Files’
- Tab ‘Files’
- Tab ‘Log’
- Tab ‘PLC settings’
- Tab ‘PLC shell’
- Tab ‘<device> I/O Mapping’
- Tab ‘Users and Groups’
- Tab ‘Access Rights’
- Tab ‘Task deployment’
- Tab ‘Status’
- Tab ‘Information’
- Object ‘GlobalTextList’
- Object ‘GVL’ - Global Variable List
- Object ‘Persistent Variable List’
- Object ‘Image Pool’
- Object ‘Library Manager’
- Object ‘Network Variable List (Sender)’
- Object ‘Network Variable List (Receiver)’
- Object ‘POU’
- Object ‘POUs for implicit checks’
- Object ‘Project settings’
- Object ‘Project information’
- Object ‘Recipe Manager’
- Object ‘Recipe Definition’
- Object ‘TextList’
- Object ‘Symbol configuration’
- Object ‘Task Configuration’
- Object ‘Task’
- Object ‘Trace’
- Object ‘Trend Recording Manager’
- Object ‘Trend Recording’
- Object ‘Trend Recording Task’
- Object ‘Unit conversion’