Dialog ‘Trace Configuration’

Symbol: 88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_9b80c9721ab5012cc0a8640e00c906b8

Function: The dialog includes the trace configuration for the data recording.


  • Menu bar: Trace ‣ Configuration; context menu.
  • Link Configuration in the trace editor
  • Link Add variable in the trace editor

Requirement: The editor of a trace object is open and active.

See also

Tree view ‘Trace record’

The tree view lists the variables that are traced and allows for access to the variable settings.

Selected trace name The subdialog Record settings is displayed on the right.
Selected trace variable The subdialog Variable settings is displayed on the right.
Context menu commands
88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_55ac2fd31173ecbfc0a86463426f0124 Add variable Adds a new trace variable. The subdialog Variable settings opens on the right and it is partially configured. Select a variable in the input field of the Variable setting to trace its value graph.
Assign to diagram

Lists the diagrams (in the submenu on the right) where the selected variable is not currently displayed. Select a diagram to display the variable there.

The command is available when a variable is selected in the tree view.

Tip: When the command is deactivated, the variable is already displayed in all diagrams.

Tree view ‘Presentation (Diagrams)’

The tree view lists the diagrams that are displayed in the trace editor and allows for access to their display mode.

Selected node Time axis The subdialog Display mode for the time axis is displayed on the right. You can specify the time axis display. See below.
Selected diagram name The settings for the coordinate system of the diagram and a preview are displayed on the right. See below.
Selected node Y-axis The subdialog Display mode is displayed on the right. You can specify the axis display. See below.
Show variables  
Selected trace variable

The subdialog Variable settings is displayed on the right. You can configure the trace variable. See below.

Note: These are the same settings that can be accessed in the tree view Trace record.

Context menu commands
88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_55ac2fd31173ecbfc0a86463426f0124 Add diagram Adds a new diagram below and displays it in the tree view Presentation (Diagrams).
88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_55ac2fd31173ecbfc0a86463426f0124 Add new variable Adds a new trace variable. The subdialog Variable settings opens on the right and it is partially configured. Select a variable in the input field of the Variable setting to trace its value graph. Specify its display. In addition, the variable is assigned to the selected diagram.
Add existing variable

Lists all trace variables (in the submenu on the right) where the selected diagram is not currently displayed. Select a variable in order to display it in the selected diagram.

Tip: When the command is deactivated, all trace variables are already displayed in the selected diagram.

Subdialog ‘Record settings’

Requirement: The top node is selected in the Trace record tree view.

Enable trigger

88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Triggering is activated. The trace data is buffered in runtime mode only when a trigger signal has been sent. You determine how the trigger signal is sent in the settings Trigger variable, Trigger parameter, Trigger edge, Post-trigger (Samples), and Trigger level.

88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : Continuous display of current records

Trigger variable

Signal that is used as a trigger. A complete instance path is required.

A valid trigger signal is an IEC variable, a property, a reference, a pointer, an array element of the application, or an expression. Permitted types are all IEC-based types exceptSTRING, WSTRING, and ARRAY. Enumerations are permitted when the base type is not STRING, WSTRING, or ARRAY The contents of a pointer are not a valid signal.

When the runtime system uses the CmpTraceMgr component, a property that is linked to the 'monitoring' attribute can then be recorded as a variable.

Trigger parameter

System parameter that is used as a trigger

The Input Assistant dialog lists all valid system parameters in the Parameters category of the Categories tab.

88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_bb538c981fd94d95c0a8640e01f3846b Selects the Trigger Variable or Trigger Parameter
Trigger edge

Defined the edge detection for triggering:

  • 88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_103f781e11701df0c0a864633a97d450 positive
    • For Boolean trigger variables, triggering occurs when the values changes from FALSE to TRUE.
    • For analog trigger variables, triggering occurs when the value as defined in Trigger Level is reached from below.
  • 88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_6de37d6f11714c65c0a86463106f4be7 negative
    • For Boolean trigger variables, triggering occurs when the values changes from TRUE to FALSE.
    • For analog trigger variables, triggering occurs when the value as defined in Trigger Level is reached from above.
  • 88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_4fb2702c1171df87c0a86463420b36ca both
    • For Boolean trigger variables, triggering occurs when the values changes.
    • For analog trigger variables, triggering occurs when the value as defined in Trigger Level is reached.
Post trigger (samples) Number of records per trace variable that are buffered after triggering. Preset: 50. Value range: 0 to (232- 1)
Trigger level Value that is reached for triggering
Task Task where data was recorded
Recording condition

In runtime mode, the application checks the recording condition. If it is fulfilled, then the trace data is buffered.

Record condition for data recording with CmpTraceMgr runtime system component:

  • As an expression that includes only permitted operators and operands.

    Permitted operators that can also be nested: (logical) AND, NOT,OR, comparison operators <, <=, >, >=, =, <>.

    Permitted operands: Variables that are valid for trace.

  • As a variable.

    Permitted type: BOOL, bit access, property. The condition is fulfilled for TRUE or 1. The contents of a pointer are not permitted.

Recording condition for a data recording with IEC code.

  • As an expression that returns a Boolean value.
Comment Comment (for example, from the recording condition)

Measure for the time stamp that is recorded per data set

  • ms: Time stamp (in milliseconds).
  • µs: Time stamp (in microseconds) for a task cycle time of 1 ms or less
Automatic restart 88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Persistently saves the trace configuration and the last contents of the RTS buffer to the target device.
Advanced Opens the Advanced trace settings dialog.

See also

Subdialog ‘Variable settings’

Requirement: A trace variable is selected in the tree view of Trace record or Display (Diagrams).


Valid variable Variable; value recorded with full instance path.


  • IEC variable
  • Property
  • Reference
  • Contents of the pointer
  • Array element

Permitted data type

  • IEC-based type exceptSTRING, WSTRING, or ARRAY
  • Enumeration when the base type is not STRING, WSTRING, or ARRAY

When the runtime system uses the CmpTraceMgr component, a property that is linked to the 'monitoring' attribute can then be recorded as a variable.


Parameter whose data is recorded.

Requirement: Runtime system with CmpTraceMgr component

The Input Assistant dialog lists all valid system parameters in the Parameters category of the Categories tab.

88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_bb538c981fd94d95c0a8640e01f3846b Enables toggling between Variable and Parameter
Color Color of the variable in the trace diagram
Line type

Display as line chart

  • 88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_40cc984f5441bcacc0a864637ab21322 Line: Values are linked to form a line.
  • 88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_21316a0a5442a4efc0a864636ebb5482 Step: Values are linked in the form of steps
  • None: Values are not linked
Dot type

Display as scatter chart

  • 88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_2b1fcae55443de92c0a864631fe16d66 Dot: Value is displayed as a dot
  • 88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_7bfe0bcb5444a78dc0a8646318a83b4e Cross: Value is displayed as a cross.
  • None: value is not displayed
Activate lower limit 88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Warning when less than the lower limit
Lower limit If the value of the trace variable falls below the limit, the variable is displayed in the warning color.
Color Warning color on falling below the limit
Activate upper limit 88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Warning when exceeding the upper limit
Upper limit If the value of the trace variable exceeds the upper limit, the variable is displayed in the warning color.
Color Warning color on exceeding the limit

Subdialog ‘Display mode’

Requirement: An axis is selected in the tree view Presentation (Diagrams)

Display mode


  • Auto:

    Automatically scaled time axis

  • Fixed length:

    Time axis segment with a constant Length

  • Fixed:

    Time axis segment from Minimum to Maximum

Minimum Start value of the time axis segment. Requirement: The Display mode is Fixed.
Maximum End value of the time axis segment. Requirement: The Display mode is Fixed.
Length Constant segment length; the initial value is adapted automatically.
Grid 88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Diagram with grid line in the x-direction. Select the grid line color from the dropdown list of colors.
Tick marks
Fixed spacing 88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Display of tick marks with Distance and Subdivisions.
Distance Distance between tick marks
Subdivisions Number of subdivisions between two tick marks
Font Font for the time axis.
Link Preview Displays the preview of the diagram.

Diagram preview

Requirement: A diagram is selected in the tree view Presentation (Diagrams)

Background color Background color of the diagram. 88a50fc41aaa89d2c0a8640e017dd825_bb538c981fd94d95c0a8640e01f3846b opens the dropdown list of colors.
Background color on selection Background color of the selected diagram.
Link Add variable Adds a new trace variable (in the tree view Trace record).
Link Delete variable Deletes the selected trace variable (in the tree view Trace record).
Link Add diagram Adds a new diagram (in the tree view Display).
Link Delete diagram Deletes the selected diagram (in the tree view Display).
Link Reset display settings Resets the display settings of either the selected diagram or y-axis to the default values.
OK Accepts the configuration changes and saves the trace configuration.