Dialog ‘Advanced trace settings’¶
Function: This dialog provides extended settings for recording data.
Call: Advanced button in Trace configuration dialog, Record settings subdialog
Requirement: The trace editor is open and active. The dialog Trace configuration is open and the top node of the trace record tree is selected so that the subdialog Record settings is available.
The buffer size is defined as “number of samples”. CODESYS calculates the time intervals that corresponds to this number and displays the result in normal fonts on the right outside the table (for example, 1h1m1s1ms). The calculation is possible only with the help of the task configuration settings and when the task cycle time is known. | ||
Measurement in every nth cycle | Data recording in every n task cycle Preset: |
Scanning interval of the data recording Example: |
Recommended runtime buffer size (samples) | Requirement: Override runtime buffer size is deactivated. The maximum number of samples that CODESYS calculates and recommends, which the application stores at runtime per trace variable. CODESYS calculates the number in the task cycle time from the value in Measure in every n-th cycle and the value in Measure in every n-th cycle. |
Maximum length of the time interval during which the application collects data on the runtime system. Example: |
Override runtime buffer size | Maximum number of samples per trace variable that saves the application per trace variable in runtime mode. Example: Value range: starting at
Maximum length of the time interval during which the application collects data on the runtime system. Example: |
See also