Tab ‘Applications’

On this tab of the generic device editor you can see which applications exist on the device. Depending on the system you can delete the applications from the device or retrieve detailed information about the application.

Applications on the PLC List of the applications found via Refresh list during the last scan of the control device.


Delete all

Deletes the application selected in the list or all listed applications on the controller
Details Opens the dialog box Details. It displays information defined for the application on the Information tab of the dialog box Properties.

Requirement: The Download the application info option is activated in the Properties of the application object on the Application generation options tab. This causes information about the contents of the application to be additionally loaded to the PLC.

The Contents button opens a dialog box with additional information about the differences between the latest generated code and the application code that exists on the controller. The different modules are displayed in a comparison view.

Refresh List The controller is scanned for applications and the list is refreshed accordingly


You can configure the commands Remove application from device and Remove applications from device by means of the dialog box form Tools ‣ Customize. These commands correspond to the Delete and Delete all buttons.

See also