Dialog Box ‘Properties- Network properties’

Symbol: ae05f766fec9aecfc0a8640e00427e39_1e69125b97ab0f97c0a8640e00690dec

Function: In this dialog box, you define network properties for the variable list that is selected in the device tree. Furthermore, any variables in it that are declared as network variables are also available.

Call: Right-Click Variable List in Device Tree ‣ Click Properties (Network properties tab).

Network type UDP, CAN etc.
Task Task of the current application that controls the variables to be sent. CODESYS always sends the variables at the end of a task cycle.
List identifier For identifying the network variable list; must be unique.
Pack variables

ae05f766fec9aecfc0a8640e00427e39_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : CODESYS bundles the variables for sending in packets (telegrams); the size depends on the network type.

ae05f766fec9aecfc0a8640e00427e39_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : CODESYS generates one packet per variable.

Transmit checksum ae05f766fec9aecfc0a8640e00427e39_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : A checksum is performed for each variable packet. The receiver checks the checksum to make sure that the variable definitions match from the sender and receiver. A packet with nonmatching checksums is not accepted.

ae05f766fec9aecfc0a8640e00427e39_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : CODESYS sends an acknowledgment message for each received data packet. If the sender does not receive a confirmation before it sends again, then an error is written to the diagnostic structure.

As from version of the l:code:NetVarUdp library not any longer a receiver channel will be used if you use acknowledged transfer. So also network variables exchange between 2 controllers on 1 hardware device is possible.

Cyclictransmission, Interval CODESYS sends the variables within the defined interval. Example for time definition: “T#70ms”.
Transmit on change, Minimum gap ae05f766fec9aecfc0a8640e00427e39_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : CODESYS sends the variables only if their values have changed. You can use “minimum gap” to define the least amount of time between two transmissions.
Transmit on event, Variable ae05f766fec9aecfc0a8640e00427e39_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : CODESYS sends the variables as soon as the defined variable yields TRUE.

Log-specific settings; possible entries depend on the network library.

Port: Number of the port that CODESYS uses for data exchange with other network units. The Default value is “1202”. You can change the current value in the Value field at any time. Select the field, press the spacebar, and type the value.

Important: The other nodes in the network must define the same port. If more than one UDP connection is defined in the project, then the port numbers in all configurations are adapted to this value.

Broadcast Adr.: The Default value is, which means that data exchange will take place with all network units. You can change the current value in the Value: select the field, press the spacebar, and type the address or address range of a subnetwork (for example, when communication should be with all nodes that have an IP address in the range 197.200.100.x.

See also